

the old peoples home



“我也想去敬老院做志愿者” "i want to go to the nursing home volunteer"


3,老年公寓 英文怎么翻译啊

senior apartment在欧美经常把老年人叫senior这样说很礼貌 也很尊重老年公寓就是senior apartment官方统一的用语大家的也有很多可以用 但是我的说法比较地道
the landscape space design of the elderly apartment
the elderly apartment
house for the elderly[名词委审定]英汉建筑园林、城市规划名词(1998)
Apartment for the Old (the+形容词=这一类人,如the rich富人,所以这里用the old就可以表示老人)

老年公寓 英文怎么翻译啊

4,英语作文 去敬老院做事 五年级

the school is holding an event to allow students to go to visit homes for the aged grandfather, grandma had. the teacher said, this is the week where grandpa. we immediately asked the grandfather for several weeks, then weeks grandpa told us some stories, we listened with rapt attention everybody. also told us that he has a good life here, the government is very con发丁篡股诂噶磋拴单茎cerned about their elderly here, here at home as their own, like a warm, well-being.


We meet at the school gate at 8:30 in Saturday morning, and then go to gerocomium by bus.
Set 8:30 Saturday morning at the school gate, take the bus to thehomes for the elderly
楼上那位仁兄的翻译有点问题。这是他的回答。 saturday morning (时间状语前没介词)we will(时态有问题,这里没有体现出是将来时) gather at the school gate at half past eight,(两个句子间没有连词) then go to the nursing home by bus and send the old(?) class gift(宾语不明) 这是我修改的。 we gather together at the school gate at half past eight on saturday morning, and then go to the nursing home by bus,sending the our class gift to them.


I and some my students visited the nursing homes which was about 20 miles from the school 有不明白的地方再问哟,祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*)
I visited the welfare institutions for the old 20 miles away from school with my classmates.
敬老院 homes for the aged 慰问敬老院care visit the homes for the aged
I and some students visited the 20 miles from the school of nursing homes 或 I and some students visited the 20 miles from the school of nursing homes
My classmates and I visited a nursing home which is 20 kilometers from our school.

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