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层次分析法:AHP:Analytical Hierarchy Process 问题:有些地方省略为好。problem在这篇摘要里面不该出现。要用这只能用issue。还有“使用”一词的翻译,这儿用application最合适。 科学、合理;汉语可以这么说,译成英语则不太好。Scientific的东西肯定是rational(或者reasonable)的。但很多科学的东西不一定切实可行。我把译文处理成了scientific and practical,不知道你是否赞同。 简单:译成easy过于口语化,象样的论文是不会使用这样的词汇的。 College graduates employment has long being the focus of public concern. This paper aims to outline and analyze current college graduates employment situation and proposes some practical suggestions and viewpoints from the perspective of college graduates, employers, and some experts. Through the analysis of a specially designed questionnaire on college graduates employment, this paper draws some valuable data from it and by applying analytical hierarchy process, provides a scientific and practical decision-making model for college graduates to make their career choices. A number of cases are studied to illustrate the application of this model, thus affording a manageable and rational solution to the college graduates employment issue


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