
“吃饭“。英语Have a meal
吃饭 [动] eat; have a meal; [例句]我想吃饭。I feel like a meal.
早餐:eat breakfast 午餐:have /eat lunch 晚饭:have supper /dinner


2,饮食习惯 用英语怎么说

dietary habit 口语一点就是 eating habit
the habits of diet
the habits of diet
diat style
eating habits; food habits/diet customary
eating habits

饮食习惯 用英语怎么说


Eat to live, but not live to eat. 吃饭是为了生存,但生存不是为了吃饭。 Eat at pleasure, drink with measure. 随意吃饭,适度饮酒。 Diet cures more than doctors. 自己饮食有节, 胜过上门求医。 An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 每天一只苹果, 无需医生进门。 Leave off with an appetite. 吃得七分饱, 就该离餐桌。
An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 每天吃一个苹果。让你远离疾病。
随便吃。 All-you-can-eat. buffet smorgasbord Eat as much as you like. Eat as much as you wish. *作为句子应为“你想吃多少就吃多少”。



可以从对同一道菜的不同的英语翻译来比较差异,最好能找到直译的和意译的不同版本,比较分析异同。说说这些版本的差异在哪里什么原因产生的,你认为哪个更好或你觉得应该怎样翻译更好。比如说“宫保鸡丁”1、Kung Pao Chicken2、Spicy diced chicken with peanuts 3、sauted chicken cubes with chilli and peanuts第一种是直译,第二、三种是意译。对于外国人来说,第二、三种的翻译虽然麻烦,但是比较清楚的指出了这种菜的原料和做法,更容易被外国人接受和理解。类似这样的。建议从有道或金山词霸上找不同的翻译版本。


?题目求一篇关于食物的有趣故事 中文+英文作业帮用户 英语 2016-12-10想快速得到快速提分的秘籍吗?来作业帮看看...优质解答一天,国王乔治三世到乡下去打猎,中午时他到一家小饭店去吃饭.国王并不饿,所以只吃了两个煮鸡蛋.待他吃完,店主拿来了账单.看了账单,国王感到很吃惊:“两个鸡蛋竟要两英镑,鸡蛋在这儿一定很稀有吧?” “不,陛下,”店主说,“鸡蛋并不稀有,国王才稀有,价格要和您的身份相称.”此语妙不可言,乔治三世无话可说,只好照单付了账.善于利用机遇,便可收入更多的财富.one day,king george iii to the countryside hunting,noon hewent to a small restaurant to eat.the king is not hungry,soeat only two boiled egg.when he finished,the ownerbrought the bill.look at the bill,the king was surprised:"twoegg to have two pounds,egg here must be very rare?" "no,your majesty," said the shopkeeper,"eggs are not rare,the king was rare,the price to and your status." this wonderful,george iii have nothing to say,but according to a single bill.make good use of the opportunity,will be more income andwealth.


diet habits
eating habits
The British vegetables is generally accepted celebrity big vegetables in the world on the food, its history is long, the craft is fashionable, getting people of this world favor very much.And this is related, British also pays attention to very much on the dining.Usually is four meals for general British family a day:Breakfast, lunch, noon pastry and dinner.The person who has very separately region still wants after 9:00 P.M. to add again one meal. The English is fastidious the taste lightly, the cooked food request nature good quantity essence, the pattern is changeable, attention nutrition ingredient. They like eating the beef, the mutton, the birds and beasts class, sweet snack, fruit food and so on the egg class. Summer likes eating each kind of water fruit jelly, the ice cream, winter likes eating each kind of hot pudding. Dines when generally first drinks the beer, but also likes drinking hard liquor and so on whisky。
饮食习惯: food habit

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