

Two tourists met in kunMing railway station, then greeted and talked about destination, travel routing,traffic tools,service or spend. Their farewell was to be in the end



自编了一个两人旅游,讨论携带东西的对话. George and Helen are going on a trip to Zhangjia Jie.张家界 George: hello, darling, are you all set? We have to go now. Helen: not yet, George. I m still packing up things. George: darling, why are you taking such a big suitcase? Its only a 4 day trip. Tell me what you put in here? Helen: our clothes, of course. I was told that it might be cold on the top of the mountain. So I take our light jackets薄夹克 with us. George: Why are you taking towels毛巾 and slippers拖鞋? There are plenty in the hotel. Helen: I prefer to use my own. George: why are you taking so many medicines? Helen: well, you never know what will happen. Remember you had a diarrhea拉肚子 last time we went to Jiao Zai Gou九寨沟. Thank god I brought Imodium拉肚药 with me. So I have a little bit of these and a little bit of that just in case. George: but darling why are you taking a mini fan 迷你风扇with you? Helen: Its very hot there. At least I can have some air wherever I go. George: anyway, we have got to go or we will be late. Helen: wait a minute. I forgot the sun lotion防晒油. We definitely need it. George: darling, I am begging you. We got to go now. We can always buy things in the local areas, right? Helen: George, where is the camera相机? We cant go without a camera. George: Its right on top of the drawer. Let me help you pack up. We really got to go. Helen: Ok. Off we go. George! George: what is it? Helen: Where are our I Ds (identification cards身份证)? George: oh my God!


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