
营销策划是很简单的,不用翻那么多字。大家都是译成:marketing 根据不同搭配,但marketing不变。



市场营销的英语单词是marketing management



Marketing: a social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging products and value with others. ( Principles of Marketing by Philip Kotler ) 营销是个人和集体通过创造,提供出售,并同别人自由交换产品和价值,以获得其所需所欲之物的一种社会过程。营销管理(marketing management)作为一种艺术和科学,它需要选择目标市场,通过创造、传递和传播优质的顾客价值,获得、保持和发展顾客。



The market marketing is the plan and the execution about the commodity, the service and the creativity idea, the fixed price, the promotion and retailing, creates conforms to individual and the organization goal exchange one kind of process.
marketing stratage, the actions that applied to implement an overall planning and arrangement on futrue marketing,which based on an objective analysis and research on marketing inside and outside environment in marketing activities.


指出marketing 已经是表示市场营销了。再加sales是错误的.我的版本Class one of Marketing
Class 1 of Marketing Sales
Class 1 of Marketing Sales
Class one of Marketing major大学本科毕业,本科或以上学历,专业为社会学、经济学、市场营销等;University education background, major in business administration / social science / economics / marketing;市场学,市场营销,市场营运marketing
Class 1 of Sales & Marketing注释:市场营销 Sales & Marketing参考:http://www.baidu.com/s?tn=monline_dg&ie=gb2312&bs=%CA%D0%B3%A1%D3%AA%CF%FA+Marketing+%26+Sales&sr=&z=&cl=3&f=8&wd=%CA%D0%B3%A1%D3%AA%CF%FA+Sales+%26+Marketing++&ct=0
你好,可以:i am a 营销 一班。

6,求翻译市场营销英语 要求通顺合理即可 直接用翻译软件译的就



看我的:From winning disputes to the promotion of the company image, the differentiation strategy adopted by some of the enterprises will always take dramatic effect. In the market with seriously homogenized product, it will add an incentive, highlighting the former even market situation. More importantly, by the meantime when those companies which had gained temporary or long term profits they are further affecting their peers. However, what they must attach importance to is that the differentiation was a double-blade sword, especially for the enterprises in the markets lack of variable products. Once they have week innovative ability or implementing force, they are tended to lose their original market shares more than gain profits. Analyzing from real cases, we may find some of the enterprises bring in the strategy all but a following-suit. They are not well adoptive to the requirements of the strategy; consequently change their previous right measures.In the face of challenges, REALFLEET should take the following actions:1. Promoting the technological innovation, and continuing to breed core competitiveness2. Extending the humanity functions of products to create value for customer3. Reinforcing cooperation and Improving product quality4. Highlighting distinctive image, and reinforcing brand management5. strengthening sale network construction and providing personalized service
1.消费者把产品看成是大笔的利润,并选择能给他们带来最大利润的产品。2. 他们观察到顾客在用他们自己的的和其竞争对手的产品,就向他们深入的了解他们喜欢什么和不喜欢什么。


中文 随着IT技术的发展,企业以越来越快的速度向网络化转变,现在我们已经进入了信息时代,速度更成了我们不断追求的方向。而对于每个企业必不可少的市场营销部门在以更超前的速度转变着,人们开始向网络营销转化。 有的专家说,在网络时代的今天网络营销会很快的替代传统的营销方式而成为市场的主旋律。因为人们可以看到了网络营销的优势, 在企业内部 ,部门和部门之间都相互联网有利于信息共享 ,也缩短了信息传递的时间。 从而大大提高了工作效率, 可以在公司电脑上面建立数据库,里边存有客户的基本资料和消费信息纪录 ,有利于实施一对一营销,从而更好的为客户服务。同时也能让客户感受到企业对他是相当的在乎, 更提高了客户的忠诚度 ,而对于网络销售同样很有诱惑力,它可以省略许多中间商,象批发商 、经销商、 甚至是零售商, 而直接面对客户。从而大大降低了成本,企业的产品更有竞争力取得更大的销售业绩,而更主要的是能以最快的速度得到客户的反馈信息,使企业的产品更适应市场的需求,而使企业总是走在市场的最前列。 可有的专家却认为。网络营销是有一些优势,但他的缺点却不容忽视。网络化是可以更快的得到市场信息, 但网络销售提高销售业绩却不堪赞同。他们认为,网络化今天却只是最前沿的东西。大部分的人还没有接受这种方式。人们还不太习惯在网上购物,他们对这些虚拟的东西缺乏信任,他们还是比较相信现实中存在的东西。生活中,如果我买了东西质量有什么问题直接就可以找厂家, 或者找卖主 ,而且会很快的得到答复。可网上我不知道该找谁,怎么找,什么时候有答复?再说有的东西根本就不适合在网上销售,比如可口可乐公司生产的饮品, 我想喝的时候随便进哪个商店或者超市都能买到,这已经再方便不过了,还要怎么简化销售过程吗?谁都知道没有必要了。你要想得到顾客的信任,想尽可能的满足顾客,那么我想最有效的方法不是去降低成本,只要你在世界的每个角落都摆放上可乐,让人们不论在什么时间什么地点只要想喝就能够看到它那就是对顾客最大的满足,不要只顾着降低成本而却忘了更重要的市场占有率。 网络化发展的的确快,可按照现在的电脑普及率要完全的向网络化转变还需要相当长的时间,更何况对我们中国的企业。网络营销确实潜力很大,可要完全开发却也不易,传统的营销方式还是会占主导地位,网络营销很快的取代传统的营销是不现实的。也许最好的营销方式不是网络营销,也不是传统营销,我觉得他们完全可以相互补充,各取所长,也许那才是最好最有前途的营销方式吧。
entertainment marketing left second-class status in its rear-view mirror decades ago , and as a result , created a heavily trafficked marketplace constantly faced with the collision of time , money , and changing trends . how does entertainment marketing differ from other forms of promotion? consider these factors : entertainment marketing is consumed with speed—there is little or no time to test-market before release , before one source or another gets word of the buzz on a project and broadcasts it to the world at large . every film and cd is a new product , and each one is different : different content , different audiences , different deal strucyures . there may be two or three—or ten ---of these products released every week , yet every campaign must hit the target on the money . on time . with film , any misfile-any hint of bad box office—must be counteracted budgets for entertainment marketing can be huge ---the average marketing budget for a film that costs between $50 and $100 million to produce is marketing being spent during the six- to eight-week period just before and during the films theatrical release dates . 财富网 www.caifu5.com while entertainment marketing fist focuses on selling an experience rather than an object . the audience must first buy into the event , before the sale of objects associated with that encounter—a highly desirable outcome , not to mention revenue stream—can occur . entertainment is subject to the same whims and vagaries as fashion . trends and styles change ; with the pre-production planning and strategizing stretching out years before actual release , entertainment producers must strive to catch the wave before it cashes into the cliffs of consumer apathy . award shows—not within the control of the marketer – can make or break entertainment products . very few consumers may care what seal of approval a chair , a car , or a carton of eggs may carry , but the profitability—or failure –of a film , or a album , can rest on the opening of an wnvelope one evening each spring . the changing face of technology carries with it ever-expanding channels of distribution for entertainment products , many of which have their own particular following . each of these channels must be addressed , and marketers must be constantly aware of the demographics involved in every new format .

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