

上海市电视业余中学shanghai television amateur middle school
上海市Shanghai City
Shanghai 上海



The bund there scenery, fresh air, is a beautiful place.The bund has many beautiful flowers, their fragrance fragrance charming sends out waves scent attracted many tourists. The bund is not only a flower and tree? Stout individual trees are covered with thick green leaves far looks like a soldier guarding the bund.The night of the bund is more beautiful! Whenever night comes sunset, the bund becomes a sea of light, the light of the world, beautiful!This is the beauty of the Shanghai bund. Feel beautiful?The reasons for income differential between residents in China mainly consist of historic,systematic,institutional and policy causes.Some people hold the belief that income differential is reasonable. It is favorable for attracting and keeping the talents. Taking all the feasible measures to guarantee reasonable high income for the talents can effectively prevent brain drain. Besides, it is good for knowledge creation as well as technical innovation.Although so, some other people think that income gap is unreasonable. Big income gap is adverse to the further development of social economy, in addition, it is not favorable for the formation of good values, public reason and social order, therefore hampering the process of building a harmonious socialist society.



上海浦东新区 陆家嘴 知道不?
啊? 上海市浦东新区 再具体就是门牌号码了



  People say; "there is heaven, there are Suzhou and Hangzhou, are brilliantly illuminated than it is in Shanghai!" Today, I have the honor to come to Shanghai, to watch the sea of light!"  I hope, came to the most beautiful places in Shanghai, the Oriental pearl. When the sun sank slowly to the west, sunset over the Oriental Pearl Tower, the sunset like a girl with the beautiful ribbon, gradually, the night came, suddenly, Shanghai became a sea of light, for a time, all lit up, standing on the bridge, looked to the the Bund side, I saw a the Golden Hall in moving slowly, the tour guide told us that it is the Huangpu River in the ship and then look to the west, they see the Oriental Pearl Tower, through the night, especially eye-catching, with the flash of a neon light, suddenly like a rainbow, on top of the "satellite" Twinkle, like a pearl light. Around the oriental pearl shining changes......  Time flies like the past, we set foot on the way home, sitting in the car, through the window, see the lights of Shanghai, she is like a sleeping girl, so quiet, so charming...  Suddenly, a red light lit up, all the cars are stopped, I think looked out of the window, a piece of red. Looking far like car inlaid with red gems, exceptionally dazzling.  Gradually, I fell asleep in the car, the dream appeared in the beautiful scenery of Shanghai......


简称:沪 由来:上海之称始于宋代,当时上海已成为我国的一个新兴贸易港口,那时的上海地区有十八大浦,其中一条叫上海浦,它的西岸设有上海镇。1292年,上海改镇为县。这是上海这一名称的由来。1949年,上海设为直辖市。 古时,上海地区的渔民发明了一种竹编的捕鱼工具“扈”,当时还没有上海这一地名,因此,这一带被称为“沪渎”,故上海简称“沪”。春秋战国时上海是楚春申君黄歇封邑的一部分,故上海别称“申”


上海市地处中国海岸带的中部,面临太平洋,背靠长江流域;位于30′41′~31′53′E,120′51′~122′12′N之间;面积6341 Km2。唐宋时期,上海旧城厢一带是个渔村,在它的东面有两条河注入东北方的高桥、长江口一带。东面一条叫下海浦,西面靠近渔村的一条叫上海浦,渔村即以此为名,叫“上海”。新石器时代吴淞口下游一带的居民,以渔猎为生,并创造了一种叫“沪”的捕鱼的工具。这种工具适合于上海一带潮水涨落时进行捕鱼。后来就把这一带地方叫“沪”,简写为“沪”。上海还简称“申”,那是因为古时候,上海是春申君的属地。

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