
1,特色 可以用什么同义词替换谢谢

独特之处 闪光之处
就连··· 可以么? 希望帮到你哈~~~嘻~~~

特色 可以用什么同义词替换谢谢

2,同义词转换 急急急急急

1,is made up of 2,I spend in 3,drawing the house cost the artist 3 hours 4,Mickey mouse was on the basis of a real mouse.

同义词转换 急急急急急


above, greater than, higher than, beyond, exceeding more calming, soothing, comforting, peaceful, tranquil 够用吧,我可是在同义词网站上查的哦~不过具体用什么还得根据语境 希望能帮你:)



1.2008年他第一次去北京. 2.在2008年去北京.
他来北京 2008年第一次
He first time came to beijing in 2008

5,超强悍英语同义词转换 各位帮帮啊

1.2.anyone else/the others3.No one4.is paid gets pay5.timid as6.in spite of7.has speakers8.make polluted9.forgot taking10. turne up into view
above, greater than, higher than, beyond, exceeding more calming, soothing, comforting, peaceful, tranquil 够用吧,我可是在同义词网站上查的哦~不过具体用什么还得根据语境 希望能帮你:)

6,求完全可以相互替代的两个同义词 比如 居然 竟然 在线等 急

称呼类的都可以呀,如爸爸 父亲妈妈 母亲哥哥 兄长此外还有爱慕 喜欢必然 必定聪明 聪慧这个应该对你有用 http://wenku.baidu.com/view/f00e1d155f0e7cd184253624.html希望能帮到你
不是同义词,因为规避的意思:设法避免,而防范的意思:防备 风险防范是有目的、有意识地通过计划、组织、控制和检察等活动来阻止防范风险损失的发生,削弱损失发生的影响程度,以获取最大利益。主要指防范有危险的事件等,证券交易的风险防范通常可以从制度、检察和自律管理等方面着手,以达到消除或减缓风险发生的目的。风险规避是风险应对的一种方法,是指通过计划的变更来消除风险或风险发生的条件,保护目标免受风险的影响。风险规避并不意味着完全消除风险,我们所要规避的是风险可能给我们造成的损失。一是要降低损失发生的机率,这主要是采取事先控制措施;二是要降低损失程度,这主要包括事先控制、事后补救两个方面。

7,同义句替换 英语

1、we can achieve there by car,这样改行吗~
We can go there by car.She goes to the zoo by bike.Li Lei walks here.Mr. Black goes to work every day by car.The bookstore is close to the station.
all right,welcome half past three a quarter to,q quarter about does,come english,comes from,an english man.
为你解答。1、We can go there in a car. We can go there by car. 2、She rides her bike to the zoo. She goes to the zoo by bike.3、Li Lei comes here on foot. Li Lei walks here.4、Mr Black drivers to work every day. Mr Black goes to work by car every day.5、The bookstore is near the station. The bookstore is next to the station.
1 We can go there by bus2 She go to the zoo by bike.3 Li Lei walks here.4 Mr Black go to work by car everyday.5 The bookstore is close to the station.如不明白请追问,如果满意请采纳手机提问者如果满意,请在客户端右上角评价点“满意”即可祝学习进步!

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