
成本核算:cost accounting/cost keeping(经济学中)因为不确定你的语境,下面是关于成本核算的相关术语的翻译定期成本核算制:terminal cost system分期成本核算制:lot cost system成本核算中心:cost accounting center绝对正确^^希望有所帮助
cost accounting
cost check computation
你好,很高兴为你解答。cost accounting.希望对你有帮助。


2,可变成本是随着产量变化而变化的成本 翻译成英文

Variable costs are the costs that vary with the change of quantity of production.
总成本是指企业在生产经营过程中发生的全部成本的总和,包括变动成本和固定成本. 边际成本是指成本对产量无限小变化的变动部分。即:产量增加或减少1个单位所引起的成本变动。 平均成本是把总成本除以产量计算出来的每单位产量的成本.它等于一定产量水平上的平均固定成本和平均变动成本的总和。 平均可变成本是指变动成本除以产量计算出来的每单位产量的成本. 你看出来了吧,在相关范围之内,如果数量只变动一个单位,那总成本就是平均成本了,这个时候的平均成本也是边际成本,也就是说,边际成本也是一种单位成本,只是它的数量变化只有一个单位,而平均成本的数量变动是无数个.同样的.平均成本包括平均固定成本和平均变动成本.

可变成本是随着产量变化而变化的成本 翻译成英文


Huge profits can be offset by cost
句子在会计角度看是有点问题,因为利润已扣除所有成本及支出,那么利润又如何再抵销成本呢,句子应改为:庞大的收入可以抵销成本 英文: The huge income can cover the costs.
请让 major in accounting 的小弟帮帮你吧。试了几种译法,希望帮到你:The great profits can cover the costs (incurred). (庞大的利润可以抵消成本)The huge revenues would lead us to attain the break even point.(庞大的收入将能达致收支平衡)The enormous revenues would lead us to attain something far beyond the break even point.(庞大的收入将不仅能达致收支平衡,还能有盈利)It can break even.(它能达致收支平衡)It can recover the costs (incurred). (这些付出的成本都能带来相对的收入)The costs (incurred) would pay off.(这些付出的成本都会有回报的)注1. break even 是指「收支平衡,无赚无蚀」2. It 是指「整个会带来 profit 的 project」
请让 major in accounting 的小弟帮帮你吧。试了几种译法,希望帮到你:The great profits can cover the costs (incurred). (庞大的利润可以抵消成本)The huge revenues would lead us to attain the break even point.(庞大的收入将能达致收支平衡)The enormous revenues would lead us to attain something far beyond the break even point.(庞大的收入将不仅能达致收支平衡,还能有盈利)It can break even.(它能达致收支平衡)It can recover the costs (incurred). (这些付出的成本都能带来相对的收入)The costs (incurred) would pay off.(这些付出的成本都会有回报的)注1. break even 是指「收支平衡,无赚无蚀」2. It 是指「整个会带来 profit 的 project」
庞大的利润可以抵销成本 英文应可翻译成这样,希望对您有帮助啦﹗The huge profit can offset the cost



Cost is for the production of products, providing service to a variety of cost. The significance of reducing costs to maximize profits, additional venture capital to expand the scale of operation. Factors affect the cost of a variety of high and low, the author tries to cost-effective way to reduce supply, production, marketing and human, financial, and material for analysis.
参考英文: Cost is the total of various expenses that occur when a business makes items, provides services. The significance for the cost reduction is to maximize the profit, add the working capital and expand the operation size. A cost depends on a wide range of elements. This writer seeks the effective manners for cost reducing by analyzing the supply, production, sales and marketing as well as personnel, financing and asset management. Keyword: significance of cost reduction, cost elements, cost reducing 追问必答!
Cost is the production of production for the enterprise, providing service and cause a variety of depletation. The significance of reducing cost to maximize profits ang supply venture capital to expand the scale of operation. A lot of factors can affect the cost of high and low .the writer tries to use available way to reduce cost of enterprise,and analysis the production ,marketing , human resours,financial and material.

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