

get in the car 较常用 get into the car 也对。主要强调进入轿车的过程,动作。



汽车分很多种,英文的单词有很多。小轿车 carambulance 救护车 jeep 吉普车 lorry 重型卡车 truck 卡车 bus 公交车、大客车 coach 大客车(主要指长途车) van 厢式货车,有篷货车taxi 计程汽车,出租汽车 minibus 小公共汽车shuttle bus 城际公交车
car bus bicyle



Today, the car became more comfortable and dependable. The first car group-G.M. company established in the world. IN the beginning of 17 centuries, the small scaled steam motive launched machine was appear. In the2020s, the car becomes common thing in the modern industrial country. 自己再修改一下!!!~
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car,automobile 小汽车;bus ,公共汽车;taxi,cab 出租汽车;lorry ,运货汽车,卡车。扩展资料:汽车分类:乘用车乘用车在其设计和技术特性上主要用于载运乘客及其随身行李和(或)临时物品,包括驾驶员座位在内,乘用车最多不超过9个座位。乘用车分为以下11种车型。主要有:普通乘用车、活顶乘用车、高级乘用车、小型乘用车、敞篷车、舱背乘用车、旅行车、多用途乘用车、短头乘用车、越野乘用车、专用乘用车。商用车商用车在设计和技术特性上用于运送人员和货物,并且可以牵引挂车,但乘用车不包括在内。主要有:客车、半挂牵引车、货车。中国汽车发展早期简介:以前中国没有汽车制造业。中国土地上第一辆汽车是1903年输入的美国产奥斯莫比尔牌小汽车,领得第一号汽车行驶牌证,其所有者为上海富翁。中国制造汽车的尝试是在奉系军阀张学良将军支持下,于1928 年聘请美国技师指导,在沈阳北大营军工厂成功仿造了美国万国牌载重汽车,1 年中装出10 辆。我国的第一辆汽车于1929年5月在沈阳问世,由张学良将军掌管的辽宁迫击炮厂制造。张学良让民生工厂厂长李宜春从美国购进“瑞雪”号整车一辆,作为样车。李宜春将整车拆卸,然后除发动机后轴、电气装置和轮胎等用原车零件外,对其它零件重新设计制造,到1931年5月历时两年,终于试制成功我国第一辆汽车,命名为民生牌75型汽车,开辟了中国自制汽车的先河,这是值得钦佩的。参考资料:搜狗百科-汽车
car,automobile 小汽车bus 公共汽车taxi,cab 出租汽车lorry 运货汽车,卡车 Mercedes 奔驰 Volvo 沃尔沃BMW (Bayerische Motoren Werke) 宝马

5,in the car英语是什么意思

in the car1. 在小汽车里2. 在车里
pool用作动词时是集合起来的意思。car pool - 共乘汽车、[美](为了节约汽油)轮流开车上班组合van pool - 共乘箱型车public or private bus pool - 公有或私有交通車共乘还有car pool lane一词,这是设制在高速公路上最里面的一条道,特别设制给两人或三人同乘的汽车在繁忙时间行驶的,目的是鼓励多合乘,少些人自己开车,以至疏导交通和保护环境。还有,怎样使用这个带有集合意思的pool? (金山词霸)car pool[美](为了节约汽油)轮流开车上班组合bear pool投机商人预料跌价而合伙blind pool委任企业同盟bonus pool津贴总额, 红利总数, 奖励基金buffer pool缓冲储备bull pool多头集团car pool车辆共用制, 车辆联营common gene pool总基因库constant pool常数存储库container pool集装箱货场data pool数据库dollar pool美元总库electric power pool电力网系统, 联合供电网europ wagon pool西欧(铁路)货车共用制european pallet pool(西欧)货物托盘共同使用制finals pool决赛fund pool基金联营投资gasoline pool供成品汽油调合用的各种组分的总和gene pool基因库gold pool黄金总库insurance pool保险集团, 保险金库international gold pool国际黄金总库isotope pool同位素库literal pool文字库memory pool存储器组合money pool(美)银行联合, 货币公库numbers pool一种非法的赌博, 以报刊上某些数目来赌博page pool页库patent pool专利权共享互用的一组企业pension pool养老金联营power pool有储备容量的电力网real estate pool不动产投资共同基金regional pool of skilled personnel区域性技术人员共同调配计划reinsurance pool再保险联营skilled manpower pool技术人力共同调配计划sterling area pool英镑区的货币公库swiss gold-trading pool瑞士黄金联营zurich gold p-苏黎世黄金联营pool of international reserves国际准备库pool of interests method共同经营法, 联营法, 权益入股法pool of land土地入股pool of wealth集资用于特殊目的


 Private cars have entered Chinese families. More and more people drive to work in their own ears. And it seems a trend that all can possess a family car in the future.   But is it really good to have a car? Owning a car means spending time and money buying, learning to drive and repairing it. So you seem to pay a lot for a big trouble. Besides, if every family has a car, what will the road be like? Crowded? Jammed with…… Oh, my God!   Family cars are intended to be convenient, but will it really bring convenience to the everyday life in a country with such a large population? Moreover, driving cars will very likely make people sit all the time without any exercises. It will do harm to the physical body. Comparatively, riding bicycles is mtIch better and economical. So,I think, it is not appropriate for China to popularize family cars in the near future, especially in our big densely-populated cities.
The world boards the first automobiles Inventing time is 1886,The inventor is Germany engineer Kaerbenci.Benci invents in the world the first automobiles in the laboratory, and in having gained a patent on January 29 , 1886, this is considered being that the automobile comes into being by most people one day Japan , Benci are become "father of automobile" by people. That this is one three-wheeled automobile is one of the most important human being invention in history

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