1,接电话英文怎么说 用单词

接电话 ( Answer The Phone )

接电话用英文怎么说 用单词


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接电话answer the callpick up the phoneanswer the phone挂电话hang up the phonecut the call
接电话,挂电话answer the phone接电话,挂电话answer the phone



Answer the phone
answer a phone
pick up the telephone lift the telephone
answer the phone


Hello, this is Qi.
喂 你好
hello ,hello,my is qi
hello, I am QI
feed sb on sth


接电话可以表达为answer the phone
打电话的单词怎么读 call_百度翻译 英: [k?:l]美: [k?l] v.打电话给; 呼唤,喊叫; 召唤,叫来,召集; 下令,命令; n.喊叫,大声喊; 电话联络; 必要,理由; 要求; 例句: i made a phone call to the united states to talk to a friend 我打电话给美国的一个朋友。


你到底是要接电话英语还是贸易方面的英语?贸易方面的就用外贸英语函电这本书或外贸英语谈判.接电话的话,首先就说this is...company,what can i do for you或who would you like to talk to?跟老外讲话其实很容易的,他们不会要求你说的多流利,很多时候只要你能说出一个简单的单词,他都可以会意的.
“hold on,please”请稍后“sorry, xx is not available now, can i take a massenge?"对不起,xx现在不在,我能帮你带个口信么?其实最关键的是你首先要听懂对方的需求


接电话: 1. to pick up the telephone 2. to lift the telephone 3. put sb. on to 4. answer the telephone 5. answer the phone Examples: 1. 电话铃声响时请你接电话好吗? Will you answer the telephone if it rings? 2. 他懒得甚至不愿接电话. He was too lazy to bestir himself even to answer the telephone. 3. 我打了电话,但没有人来接电话。 I telephoned, but nobody answered the telephone. 4. 乔接电话时,史密斯在偷笑,因为他知道那是一个开玩笑的电话。 Smith was laughing up his sleeve when Joe answered the phone because he knew the call would be a joke. 5. 他在开会,没空来接电话。 He is in conference and cannot come to the telephone.

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