
in front of 在、、、、的前面(在范围之外的前面)in the front of 在、、、的前面(在范围之内的前面)before在、、、前面



ahead 在前的 in (the)front of 在(某)前面 before 在什么之前 in advance 预先,提前
在前面的英文是in front of例如he is in front of me



in front of sth.
in front of
before和in front of
in front of 或 in the front of
in front of 在......前面
in front of


4,在前面 英语怎么写

in the front of 或者in front of from 総合外语TeaM·sincere——助人为乐,让生活更美好 如能解决您的问题,敬请五星采纳,谢谢哦!
In front
in front of
in front of
in front of
in front of ……


in thr front of
1 in front of ----She is in front of me (她在我前面) 2 in the front of -----The driver is sitting in the front of his bus.(司机在他的车子前部) 3 before -----Standing before me is the girl that I have been looking forward to meeting. (站在我面前的是我一直想见到的女孩)
in front of,in advance,ahead


在前面:ahead在......前面:1. in the front2. at the front3. Devant4. before5. in the front of6. lie ahead7. up front8. preceded9. in advance10. come to the front
In the previous 有道词典结果in frontaheadprecede希望能帮到你,麻烦给“好评”
In front of sth.sth. is at the frontat the front of


in front of……
分两种,一种是in front of, 一种是in the front of ,前者指就是在什么前面,而后者是在。。里面的前面,比如黑板在教室的前面。
在教室前面 in front of the classroom.
In... front
in front of 是在外部的前面 如 The tree is in front of the window. in the front of 是在一个整体内 如 The desk is in front of thechair in this room.

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