

RB:经常预算 英文全称:regular budget 所属分类:经济管理 R



How much of the budget will be,in condition of we buy Lenovo or Dell brand computers at the local place?I consider that a brand computer with 1G memory will be too much for our customers both at configuration and price. We suggest to buy 512M memory computers with memory-chips,thus can make the customers get a satisfied configuration with a much lower price.
How much shoud we pay if buying Lenove or Dell brand computers.In my opinion ,brand computers shoud have 1G capacity at least,but the collocation and the price seem a little bit hight to our clients .How about the 512M computer,to which one memory bank attaches.Then not only does the collocationof the computers absolutely can meet our clients but also the price is much low .



budget control supervisor
Budget Supervisor
预算主管:Budget Director以下是例句:Concretely speaking, a budget director collects the preliminary budget estimates and transmits them to the proper authority for review and revision, and is expected to keep all executives informed about budget performance.具体来说,预算主管从各部门中收集预算估计数,然后将其传递到相应的部门进行复核和修订。除此之外,预算主管还被期望承担使组织内的各级管理者了解经营业绩情况的责任。Based on the department budgets, the budget director can prepare the budgeted financial statements including income statement and balance sheet.在上述部门预算的基础上,预算主管便可着手编制预算财务报表,包括损益表和资产负债表。In a company, a budget officer or director and budget committee usually work together to take the responsibility for budget preparation.在企业里面,预算编制工作常常是由预算主管和预算委员会共同负责完成的。Budget directors are not expected to prepare budgets. Rather, it is their duty to direct and supervise budget programs.预算主管并不具体编制预算,他(她)的主要职责是对预算的编制和实施进行指导和监督。One thing to keep in mind is that the budget director should take positive role during the process stated above rather than a passive transmitter.有一点需要注意的是,预算主管在履行上述责任的过程中,要发挥积极能动的作用,而不是简单作为一个被动的信息传递者。Depending on the scale and complexity of company, budget director job position can be set as a full-time position or part-time position.根据企业规模和复杂程度的不同,预算主管这一职位既可设为全职又可设为兼职。



Budget proposal for construction project.专业用语
the document of budget construction
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Project cost estimation
program cost anticipation
Project cost estimates
there are these "with the increasing maturity of the construction market, construction enterprises in construction projects on the competition even more fierce, more and more space projects in low-profit, which requires all construction enterprises to strengthen their own cost control. is to determine the project cost control construction enterprise market competitiveness of the key, but cost control is the core of the construction cost control, cost control on construction projects to improve the market competitiveness of enterprises is of great practical significance. during the construction stage, a large number of investment funds through the construction of this part of the "materialization" and realization of investment projects. so it is necessary to do a good job in this important part of cost control to reduce waste to increase revenue purposes. in this paper, through the construction enterprise project construction cost control the content and features of meaning and purpose and principles of the project on cost control, project construction enterprises for cost control in the construction of the existing main problems in building construction project cost control was shallow the research, the cost price of certain circumstances, the projects focus on quality control, the principle of increasing revenue and reducing expenditure and quality control principles of combining the management to be effective, for the maximization of profits for the enterprises to obtain better value for money.
prediction of the project cost
The estimated cost for this program这里表示预估的成本,预估要用形容词就是estimated

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