

按小时算,不能买段,没包场。 13:00--18:00 迷你包8块/小时,小包10块,中包14,PartyA包 18,partyB包26,豪华包38,VIP包44。 18:00--20:00 迷你包16块/小时,小包19,中包28,PartyA包 36,partyB包52,豪华包76,VIP包88。 20:00--02:00 迷你包25块/小时,小包32,中包45,PartyA包 58,partyB包 85,豪华包124,VIP包144。


2,请问charter party bl 与ocean bl 有什么区别

1.charter party b/l 是货物所有权凭证,可以背书转让,收货人一定要有提单才可以提货。ocean b/l 不是货物所有权凭证,因此不能背书转让,收货人提货只需提供身份证明则可提货。2.CIF条件下,由于是出口商找运输公司运货,所以出口商有可能与船运公司联合起来诈骗进口商。如果出口商与船运公司联合起来,出具全套清洁提单(实际根本没发货),那么在信用证下,进口商银行申证合格就把货款付给出口商了,进口商即时拿了全套提单,到时也见不着货。所以,为保安全,进口商签FOB最好。3.不能。但是在当承运人到达目的港时,买方还没有收到卖家邮寄来的提单,而无法凭借提单向承运人提货,可以在出具保函以证明收货人的身份的情况下交付货物。保函是只是在无欺骗第三方意图时才有效。

请问charter party bl 与ocean bl 有什么区别

3,翻译成英文甲方于本合同签订之日起 10 日内以 电汇 形式向乙方指

Part A should pay exact sixty thousand RMB to the designated banking account of Part B by TT(telegraphic transfer) within ten days as of the date when said contract is signed
你好!Party A shall make payment of sixty thousand yuan to the account of Party B by means of cable transfer within 10 days upon the conclusion of this contract.仅代表个人观点,不喜勿喷,谢谢。
Within 10 days since this contract has been signed,party A has to pay 60,000yuan RMB to partyB through telegraph.
"Party A to the contract signed within 10 days from the date of the wire transfer forms to the designated account for B Lu million yuan whole"

翻译成英文甲方于本合同签订之日起 10 日内以 电汇 形式向乙方指


Agreement for foreign Teachers. This agreement is signed in order to achieve better school performance and progress. Party A: Party B: 1. To be punctual , do not absent from work; 2. Should there be a need to take leave, must state the reasons ,apply 2 days before. and replace it during the weekend. 3. A fine of RMB 5 will be imposed should you be late. 4. A fine of RMB50 will be imposed should you absent from class . 5. A fine of RMB20, if the temporary leave taken , and did not replace on weekend. 6. During the term or after designation of the said job , you are strictly prohibited from opening or remedial classes, training courses, Tutoring classes, child care classes. Or take the students to other school. Otherwise, Party A has the right to seek legal right to request Party B to pay RMB10,000 as penalty.
Teachers of Foreign Co-operation Agreement In order to achieve better school instructors class effect, this particular agreement. PartyA: PartyB: 1. To class on time, do not be late, not absent from work; 2. If things take off two days ahead of time, the reasons for that, in the week and on Sunday completed courses; 3. Late for a fine of RMB Yuan Wu; 4. Absenteeism a fine of RMB Yuan Wu Shi; 5. Such as the temporary leave of absence and did not make up on Sunday week course, a fine of RMB Ershi round; 6. During or after-the-job, I have taken is strictly prohibited students from opening or remedial classes, training courses, tutoring classes, child care classes. Or take me to school to learn other schools. Otherwise, Party A Party B have the right to demand payment of liquidated damages million yuan Wu.
Teachers of foreign co-operation agreement In order to achieve better school instructors class effect, this particular agreement. Party: B: 1. To class on time, do not be late, not absent from work; 2. If things need to leave two days ahead of time, the reasons for that, in the week and on Sunday completed courses; 3. Late for a fine of RMB Yuan Wu; 4. Absenteeism a fine of RMB Yuan Wu Shi; 5. If the temporary leave of absence and did not make up on Sunday week course, a fine of RMB Ershi round; 6. During or after-the-job, I have taken is strictly prohibited students from opening or remedial classes, training courses, Tutoring classes, child care classes. Or take me to school to learn other schools. Otherwise, Party A has the right to Wu B requirement to pay 10,000 yuan RMB penalty.
Teachers of foreign co-operation agreement for foreign teachers in schools so that classes better results, this particular agreement. Party A: B: 1. To class on time, do not be late, not absent from work; 2. If things need to leave two days ahead of time, the reasons for that, in the week and on Sunday completed courses; 3. Late for a fine of RMB Yuan Wu; 4 . Absenteeism a fine of RMB Yuan Wu Shi; 5. If the temporary leave of absence and did not make up on Sunday week course, a fine of RMB Ershi round; 6. During or after-the-job, I have taken is strictly prohibited students from opening or remedial classes , Training courses, tutoring classes, child care classes. Or take me
when i late ,i will hanven money

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