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你好。 塞班系统目前正下坡路线,安卓目前是最火的,塞班比较成熟,可玩性不高, 安卓比较新颖功能也是比较多的 。塞班和安卓到底哪种好呢?..首先塞班分很多种的操作系统,比如说S40、S60V2、S60V3、S60V5,而最能很Android操作系统对比的也就是S60V5版了那我们下面来说说那种好,其实这是很客观的一种评定如果你喜欢简单容易上手而且软件丰富又不追求主流的你就可以选择塞班操作系统,现在这种趋势很适合塞班操作如果你喜欢专研玩机而且喜欢刷机又追求玩机的感觉,那么就要选择安卓系统一定要评定好坏的话,其实不用说,塞班已经老化了,塞班已经是2010前的事情了,现在安卓成熟了,准备迎接的是IOS的挑战,而塞班已经是他的手下败将了。比起硬件,塞班系统支持非常的低,而安卓就需要很高比起软件,塞班系统的占用率也十分的低操作很快,而安卓因为要求比较高,比塞班可能慢上一点,但是安卓有了超频和锁频,对于延时的问题已经解决了本人是玩LINUX的,对于基于LINUX内核的手机和操作系统都很了解,你可以去试试PALM OS和WEB OS我感觉现在对抗IOS的操作系统只有三个:Android OS、Win7 OS、Web OS望给最佳。



Android名字与Logo的由来Android一词最早出现于法国作家利尔亚当(Auguste Villiers de lIsle-Adam)在1886年发表的科幻小说《未来夏娃》(Lève future)中。他将外表像人的机器起名为Android。 Android的Logo是由伊琳娜-布洛克(Irina Blok)设计的,设计灵感来源于男女厕所门上的图形符号,外加头上两根天线。以下图片为男女厕所门上的图形与Android Logo图标。 ---------------------博文链接:https://blog.csdn.net/u012964796/article/details/50662564
year-old los angeles man was taken to a hospital and then to county jail after leading police on a one-hour freeway chase in a stolen suv. the chase ended in downtown los angeles in front of the spring hotel. most of the chase was uneventful, except for an empty bottle of whiskey that the driver threw at one police vehicle. when the driver got into downtown, things started to happen. he ran over a fire hydrant. the water spewed out of the hydrant, causing a geyser that ruined all the books in several carts that a vendor had put outside to attract customers into his bookstore. the driver hurriedly turned west onto grand avenue and managed to bang into three parked cars on one side of that street and two cars on the other side. the driver also tried to run over a police officer, who was standing in the crosswalk ordering him to halt. turning north, the driver caused a bus to slam on its brakes to avoid a collision. the bus was empty, and the bus driver was uninjured. however, two police cars that were pursuing the suv from different directions were not so lucky. one of them ran into the front of the bus, and the other into the back. because the drivers had braked early enough, the damage to their cars was minor. both officers resumed the chase. they only went two blocks north to find that the suv had come to a full stop because it had plowed into a newspaper stand. the driver, who was not wearing a seatbelt, was slumped behind the steering wheel. the proprietor of the newsstand was yelling at the driver and shaking a magazine at him. the police called for the ambulance. they charged the driver with fai

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