暴力英文,给点骂人用的还有各种黄的暴力的英语句子单词等等谢谢 搜
来源:整理 编辑:好学习 2023-05-06 12:12:56
1,给点骂人用的还有各种黄的暴力的英语句子单词等等谢谢 搜
you jerk
dumb ass
douche bag
screw you
You moron
是现代的专有名词:)~~行为艺术(behavior art) 暴力美学(beautiful violence) 当代电影创作中的"暴力美学" 论文名称: 当代电影创作中的"暴力美学" 英语题名: violence aesthetics in contemporary film.
ROB Report on Business ***** ROB Roll Over Beethoven (song) ***** ROB Royal Observatory of Belgium **** ROB Rijksdienst voor het Oudheidkundig Bodemonderzoek **** ROB Right on Brother **** ROB Review of Business **** ROB Road Over Bridge **** ROB Retard-O-Bot (band) **** ROB Remains on Board (sludge or liquid oil in tanks) *** ROB Robotic Operating Buddy *** ROB Re-Order Buffer *** ROB Rhythm of Business *** ROB Rhine Ordnance Barracks (Vogelweh-Kaiserslautern Germany) *** ROB Run-Of-Book *** ROB Restriction on Bail (UK) *** ROB Rest of Board (electronics, less important PCB components) *** ROB Regionale Omroep Brabant ** ROB Reserve On Board ** ROB Radar Order of Battle ** ROB Rusthuis Voor Bejaarden (Dutch: Rest Home for the Elderly; Belgium) ** ROB Reach of Budget ** ROB Round of Beam * ROB Région Ornithologique de Bretagne (French amateur bird breeders association) * ROB Renewal of Bridges * ROB Radar Coded Observation * ROB Random Omnipotent Being * ROB Right Out Board (location of aircraft underwing pylons) * ROB Robertsfield International Airport, Harbel, Liberia * ROB Railway Operations Battalion (US Army)rob kk: [] dj: [] vt. 1. 抢劫,劫掠,盗取[(+of)] they robbed the jewelry store in broad daylight. 他们在光天化日之下抢劫了那家珠宝店。 2. 非法剥夺,使丧失[(+of)] they robbed the people of their liberty. 他们夺走了人民的自由。 vi. 1. 抢劫 he said he would not rob again. 他说他再也不抢劫了。 见: http://www.baidu.com/s?lm=0&si=&rn=10&ie=gb2312&ct=1048576&wd=rob&tn=sitehao123(ROB,Reorder Buffer):重排序缓存。基于硬件的推测: 必须把指令乱序执行与实际结束分离开来,成为两步实现; 1、乱序执行是动态调度的需要,必须把指令的执行结果,通过旁路方法,随时提供给其它指令使用; 2、按序结束是为了确保实现精确中断的需要(能确保恢复中断前的状态)。 为此,在Tomasulo算法把指令分为Issue, Execute, 和Write result三步的基础上,增加一步,称为Commit(交付,后提交)。Commit的功能(将在下面作进一步介绍)是指令将其结果交付给(写入)目的寄存器或存储单元。 必须增加一硬件缓冲存储器(buffer),供Write Result这一步存放已获得的结果,并可以提供给其它指令应用这些结果。当指令进入Commit这一步时,将结果从buffer中拷贝到目的寄存器或存储单元。这一硬件缓冲存储器称为重排序缓存 (ROB,Reorder Buffer)。
暴力 英文 骂人 还有 暴力英文 搜