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fashion n. fashionable adj.
fashion 近义词或词组 mode | style | vogue | fad


4,时尚 英文怎么翻译

fashion /up to date 反义词:过时的:out of date /old
不能信谷歌翻译,小伙子!跨越式上的潮流,应该翻译为 beyond the top-fashion,或者直接说beyond the fashion就可以了。其实有时汉语翻译成英文时不要一字一词的翻译,而是要表达出原句的意思。原句就是想表达“超越时尚前沿,顶级前卫时尚”的意思,所以翻译如上。

5,vogue 是什么意思英文吗

vogue [vEu^] n. 时尚, 时髦, 风气, 流行, 风行 adj. 流行的, 时髦的 current [5kQrEnt] adj. 当前的, 通用的, 流通的, 现在的, 草写的, 最近的 n. 涌流, 趋势, 电流, 水流, 气流 这两个在一起应该是“时尚风潮”的意思


名词 fashion, vogue, panache, style, trend, style形容词 fashionable, trendy, avant garde, stylish, chic, smart, modish, in vogue, elegant, in, with it, swanky, swell, neat, classy, snazzy, spiffy
fashion style vogue
时尚 [shí shàng]基本翻译fashion网络释义时尚:fads|fashion|mode時尚:eco-fashion音画时尚:ice-dvd-player|ice player


fashion时尚,流行的意思  [sing] manner or way of doing sth 样子; 方式: he walks in a peculiar fashion. 他走路的样子很怪.  [c, u] popular style (of clothes, behaviour, etc) at a given time or place 流行的式样; 时尚; 风尚; 风气: dressed in the latest fashion 穿着入时的 * fashions in art and literature are changing constantly. 文艺的潮流总是日新月异. * [attrib 作定语] a fashion show 时装表演 * fashion magazines 时装杂志.

8,fashion 是什么 英文版

fashion [?f???n] n style in clothes, cosmetics, behaviour, etc, esp the latest or most admired style.(as modifier) (esp of accessories) designed to be in the current fashion, but not necessarily to last manner of performance; mode; way.(in combination) a way of life that revolves around the activities, dress, interests, etc, that are most fashionable shape, appearance, or form sort; kind; type vb to give a particular form to to make suitable or fitting to contrive; manage Fashion refers to the styles and customs prevalent at a given time. In its most common usage, "fashion" exemplifies the appearances of clothing, but the term encompasses more. Many fashions are popular in many cultures at any given time. Important is the idea that the course of design and fashion will change more rapidly than the culture as a whole. The terms "fashionable" and "unfashionable" were employed to describe whether someone or something fits in with the current or even not so current, popular mode of expression. The term "fashion" is frequently used in a positive sense, as a synonym for glamour, beauty and style. In this sense, fashions are a sort of communal art, through which a culture examines its notions of beauty and goodness. The term "fashion" is also sometimes used in a negative sense, as a synonym for fads and trends, and materialism. A number of cities are recognized as global fashion centers and are recognized for their fashion weeks, where designers exhibit their new clothing collections to audiences
时尚 潮流

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