
1,buy 的用法

buy something at+price

buy 的用法

2,有关purchase 的短语

make a purchase=buy sthpurchase sth (from sb)=to buy sth

有关purchase 的短语

3,请帮忙解释以下会计原理purchase cost 3500 terms 210


请帮忙解释以下会计原理purchase cost  3500 terms 210


外贸中的PO是订单的意思 英文全称是“PURCHASE ORDER”。 就是客户给你下订单时候给卖方发的一张订单,格式各个公司不同,但是基本上要包含买方和卖方公司名称、地址、电话、购买产品具体型号、说明、数量、付款方式等信息。追问:有不有在详细点的啊


we are going to purchase a van for delivering raw materials, and also 2 bicycles for deliving take away food for consumer.
自行车是 bicycle再看看别人怎么说的。
we are going to purchase a van for delivering raw materials, and also 2 bicycles for deliving food for consumer


短语supplies purchasing 物资采购 ; 物资采集购买 ; 物资推销 ; 物质洽购purchasing management 采购管理 ; 购买管理 ; 企业采购 ; 企业物资采购purchasing assistant 采购助理 ; 采购部助理 ; 苏州翰墨科技有限公司purchasing order 订货单 ; 订购单 ; 采购订单 ; 采购管理purchasing price 买价 ; 收购价 ; 收购价格 ; 买入价centralized purchasing 集中 ; 集中采购 ; 权采购 ; 中采购purchasing director 采购总监 ; 采购主管 ; 采购主任purchasing mission 采购团purchasing dept 采购部

7,foreign exchange purchase是什么意思

foreign exchange purchase [金融] 买入外汇双语例句1.China sees sharp rise in foreign exchange purchase. 中国外汇储备数额急剧上升。2.The banks can handle foreign exchange purchase for official foreign visit groups. 银行可按当日牌价为您办理人民币与外币的兑换。
foreign exchange purchase 买入外汇再看看别人怎么说的。
foreign exchange purchase 外汇购买
foreign exchange purchase外汇购买双语对照词典结果:foreign exchange purchase[英][?f?rin iks?t?eind? ?p?:t??s][美][?f?r?n ?ks?t?end? ?p?t??s]买入外汇; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.In the case of any foreign exchange purchase or sale, the fee is actually "buried" in theexchange rate. 在外汇买卖中,手续费实际上已经隐含在汇率中了。
foreign exchange purchase[英][?f?rin iks?t?eind? ?p?:t??s][美][?f?r?n ?ks?t?end? ?p?t??s]买入外汇; 例句:1.Without approval, no financial institution may operate the business of the individualforeign exchange purchase of residents. 金融机构未经批准,不得擅自经营居民个人购汇业务。2.In the case of any foreign exchange purchase or sale, the fee is actually "buried" inthe exchange rate. 在外汇买卖中,手续费实际上已经隐含在汇率中了

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