
清醒的 [简明汉英词典]level-headedsober或者是calm,最常用的是clear-minded


2,幻听 的英文是什么

phonism auditory hallucination acoasm acousma acouasm

幻听 的英文是什么

3,Factual的英文解释 解释一定要英文的

形容词 adj.1.事实的, 真根据事实的, 真实的, 确凿的 其他释义soconfirmed反义词形容词 adj. 事实的其他释义fictional 派生词factual Adjective of the nature of fact; having actual existence; "rocks and trees...the actual world"; "actual heroism"; "the actual things that produced the emotion you experienced" (synonym) actual (similar) real, existent of or relating to or characterized by facts; "factual considerations" (pertainym) fact existing in fact whether with lawful authority or not; "de facto segregation is as real as segration imposed by law"; "a de facto state of war" (synonym) de facto, actual based on fact; "factual accuracy"; "a factual account" (similar) true characterized by fact; "the factual aspects of the case" (similar) concrete

Factual的英文解释 解释一定要英文的

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