


2,超能陆战队 百度云英文版高清的OO谢谢

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超能陆战队 百度云英文版高清的OO谢谢


February 28th gold Oscar animation large "super corps" in the country after the release, the first day will be mad received 38000000 of the box office, the second day box office is close to 46000000. Obviously, this about healing "robot warm" Baymax and proficient robot technology prodigy small macro (Hiro Hamada) story, will continue its huge charm of fermentation. The biggest innovation in this piece from it not only shows the fusion of East and west culture, also has the common advantages of daily diffuse diffuse. More interesting is, "super corps" also buried a lot of "eggs" and hidden little secret? Let the Yangzi Evening News reporter, analytic to listen to you......



谔谔影片《六大英雄》改编自漫威于1998年出版的同名漫画,故事设定在一个融合东西方文化(旧金山+东京)的虚构大都市旧京山(San Fransokyo)中,一位精通机器人技术的小神童滨田广(Hiro Hamada)发现,这座充斥高新技术的城市正遭遇着一场犯罪危机,为了拆穿阴谋拯救家园,他将携伙伴机器人Baymax,与一伙生拉硬凑的菜鸟团队组成“六大英雄”联盟,共同作战抗击罪恶。
"big hero 6" is super disney and marvel jointly produced the first animated film, based on t. and duncan rouleau by steven seagle in 1998 began serialization in japan as the background of the action science fiction comics. the film stars don hall and chris williams co directed, ryan porter, scott edecht, t j, starring miller dubbing, on november 7, 2014 in the form of 3d release in north america. the domestic release version released in the mainland in february 28, 2015.

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