
三好学生merit studentall-round good studentthe three-good student参考自词典
“three good” student



Three good student of the city grade.
标准翻译Three good student awarded by the municipality
你好!Three good student of the city grade.我的回答你还满意吗~~



三好学生 excellent League member 优秀团员 excellent leader 优秀干部 student council 学生会
define 三好学生: 1. merit student; three good student (good in study, attitude and health)
three-good student(good in study, attitude and health)



merit student; three good student(good in study, attitude and health)
Three good students
model student
三好学生 merit student;three good student(good in study,attitude and health) 三好学生 "Three Goods"student
三好学生 : merit student; three good student (good in study, attitude and health)


"Three Goods" students
“three good” student (good in study, attitude and health)
三好学生 [sān hǎo xué sheng] 基本翻译 “three good” student (good in study, attitude and health) 网络释义 三好学生:Three Goods" student 三好学生":Three Goods"student 三好学生证书:A copy of Three Excellent Student award certificate
Miyoshi students

6,三好学生用英语怎么说啊 谢谢 急

"Three Goods" student
triple A student Stage A student全是一派胡言。student with three good attributes比较符合three-good student" (good in study, attitude and health)也不错这两个清楚地表明了它的含义。
"Three Goods" student 三好学生excellent League member 优秀团员excellent leader 优秀干部student council 学生会
triple A student 绝对标准
其实好多论坛上就直接用"three-good student" (good in study, attitude and health)


Merit Student
three good student 这是直译,虽然没有这个用法straight A student 这个是国外的全A生,也就是相当优秀了,各科成绩都是A,但是没有我们的德,体的意思你翻译的话可以把德,体再加上
发信人: hbs (蝴蝶王子), 信区: advancededu 标 题: “全国三好学生”的翻译 发信站: bbs 水木清华站 (wed dec 29 11:33:53 1999) 我来谈谈自己的体会 三好的翻译最标准的是 tri-a (大辞典) three good tri-good都有人用,也成功了 excellent 和outstanding也可以,但后者的优秀处分更大,鼓励使用 我一个朋友的翻译也可以推荐就是 quintessence student 还有三好学生标兵。 我自己的翻译是pacemaker to outstanding students 也可以把pacemaker换成model, pacesetter等词 【 在 u2rem (孤身走我路) 的大作中提到: 】 tri-good 太死板了吧,老外不懂的说。 你就翻成第二种吧,呵呵 【 在 tinysun (myhui) 的大作中提到: 】 ∶ 翻译成“national tri-good student"(academic,moral quality,phy..) ∶ 还是“national excellent student" ∶ 怎么翻译好一些?
我觉得是Triple A student不过证书上写的是Three good student太傻了.
Triple A student
student of the year三好学生

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