1,英文翻译 相反的是

adverseinverseoppositereverseto the contrary不明白的欢迎再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!
on the contrary / to the contrary the opposite of the other way around reverse 够用不?
the opposite mine
on the contraryinstead
on the contrary 有具体的句子么?

英文翻译 相反的是


上下 up down 左右 left right 前后 back forth 对错 right wrong 大小 big small little 老少 old young 新旧 new old 长短 long short 穷富 poor rich 衣食food and ciothing 年月month and year 冷热heat and cool 水火fire and water 轻重heavy and light胜负victory or defeat 多少how many昼夜day and night 好坏good and bad胜负victory or defeat黑白black and white
live与evil,前者是“生活”,后者则是“邪恶、罪恶”。倒也有些哲理性的含义:“生活”颠倒便成“罪恶”!又如: loop与pool,一是“环、圈”之意,一是“池塘”之意。也很形象:把小“圈圈”倒在“池塘”里。其他如: mood(心情)与doom(注定):感到倒霉的“心情”那是“注定”的。 step(步)与pets(宠物):“一步一步”倒着走的是“宠物”。 star(星)与rats(老鼠):“鼠辈”倒戈成“明星”! tom(汤姆、雄猫)与mot(警句):“汤姆”能倒背“警句”。 plug(插头)与gulp(呑吃):“插头”倒到嘴里全被“呑吃”了! pan(平底锅)与nap(小睡):“平底锅”倒扣在脸上“小睡”一会。 smart(机灵的)与trams(电车):那些“电车”碰到事故时就倒开,真“机灵”! part(部分)与trap(陷阱):我的“部分”身体倒扣在“陷阱”里了。 liar(说谎者)与rail(轨道):“说慌者”倒卧在“轨道”上。 deer(鹿)与reed(芦苇):一只“鹿”被倒着吊死在“芦苇”丛里。以上我编了十二句话,让大家记住了二十四个单词。live(生活)-evil(邪恶)loop(环、圈)-pool(池塘)mood(心情)-doom(注定)step(步)-pets(宠物)star(星)-rats(老鼠)tom(汤姆、雄猫)-mot(警句)plug(插头)-gulp(呑吃)pan(平底锅)-nap(小睡)smart(机灵的)-trams(电车)part(部分)-trap(陷阱)liar(说谎者)-rail(轨道)deer(鹿)-reed(芦苇)are(是)-era(时代)bin(箱柜)-nib(笔尖)but(但是)-tub(浴盆)door(门)-rood(十字架形)deem(认为)-meed(适当的报答)dot(点)-tod(狐)god(神)-dog(狗)gnat(小烦扰)-tang(特殊气味)gut(内容,实质)-tug(猛拉,苦干)keel(船的龙骨)-leek(韭葱)loot(赃物)-toolmeet(遇见)-teem(充满,涌现)nip(夹、捏)-pin(大头针)nod(点头)-don(大学教师)not(不)-ton(吨)on(在……上)-no(不)pots(壶)-stop(停止)put(放)-tup(公羊)ram(公羊)-mar(弄糟)raw(生的)-war(战争)saw(锯)-was(是)sloop(小型护航舰)-pools(池塘)snap(猛咬,争购)-pans(平底锅)tap(水龙头)-pat(轻拍)ten(十)-net(网)tog(衣服)-got(得到)tops(顶)-spot(点)tun(大酒桶)-nut(坚果)desserts(甜食)-stressed(有压力的)(mikisue 提供)这些是网上找的,供你参考


3,相反的 英语短语

表示“相反的”英语短语包括:1、相反的我 The Opposite Me ; Beside ; cover ; On the contrary;2、正好相反的 polar ; be diametrically opposite ; diametric ; diametricdiametrical3、性质相反的 incompatible4、相反的一天 Opposite Day5、相反的,反向的 inverse6、极性,相反的极 opposite pole7、截然相反的 diverse ; gegenteilig8、相反的重组子 reciprocal recombinant9、相反的方面 flip side reverse side扩展资料:表示“相反的”的英语词语:reverse, opposite, converse, contrary, adverse这组词都有“相反的,对立的”的意思,其区别是:1、reverse 指朝相反方向的或反面(背面)的。2、opposite 指位置、方向、行动或想法等完全相反。3、converse 指在方向、行动或意见上相反的。4、contrary 一般指与某种主张、看法或行为等正好相反,隐含否定一方并不意味着肯定另一方的意味。5、adverse 通常指违害利益的、无生命的势力或条件等,侧重分歧。例句:真正的结果应该是相反的。It should be the opposite. 在那种情况下,你有相反的结果。And in that case, you have the opposite result. 但相反的情况同样可能发生。But then the reverse can also occur.
1、be opposite from与...相反; 不相容2、be opposite to在...对面; 与...相反3、just the opposite恰恰相反4、be contrary to与...相反5、by -ries相反地; 出乎预料地6、on the contrary(与此)相反,(不是...)而是,反之7、quite the contrary恰恰相反8、just the contrary恰恰相反9、to the contrary反对地,与此相反地,有相反情况尽管...扩展资料:相关例句:1.He gives permission, and, contrariwise, she refuses it他同意,与此相反,她表示拒绝。2.Conversely, tests made in full-scale boilers are usually difficult to reconcile.与此相反,在工业规模的锅炉内所做的试验也难于互相一致。3.conversely, tests made in full-scale boilers are usually difficult to reconcile与此相反,在大锅炉内所做的试验也难于互相一致。4.conversely, it is possible to create colours by the addition of coloured lights与此相反,也能由彩色光相加来获得彩色。5.When you win a battle and your partner submits, you have, paradoxically, lost.当你赢得了一场口角,你的配偶暂时屈服了,而实际上,与此相反,你已经输了。6.“On the other had, the defense has shown that Larry Moody is a person of good character”“与此相反,被告一方却已证明拉里·穆迪是一个品行端正的人。”7.In contrast, one in five people in the north east said they enjoyed nattering for more than two hours a day与此相反,东北部1/5的人说他们每天喜欢花上超过2个小时谈天说地。
1、be opposite frombe opposite from,英 [bi: ??p?zit fr?m] 美 [bi ?ɑp?z?t fr?m] 与…相反,不相容。例句:If I had continued to do what I did in my early years of a teenager, I would be a totally opposite girl from what I am now. 假如我继续像我的少年时期那样下去,那么我会变成一个和现在完全相反的女孩2、be opposite tobe opposite to英 [bi: ??p?zit tu:] 美 [bi ?ɑp?z?t tu] 向着;在…对面,与…相反。例句:Firstly, sentiment orientations of sentences with modality may be opposite to those conveyed by the sentiment words used. 首先,情态句的情感倾向性可能与句中情感词的情感倾向性相反。3、just the oppositejust the opposite英 [d??st e? ??p?zit] 美 [d??st ei ?ɑp?z?t] 恰恰相反。例句:The facts are just the opposite; The opposite is the case. 事实恰恰相反。4、be contrary tobe contrary to英 [bi: ?k?ntr?ri tu:] 美 [bi ?kɑn?tr?ri tu] 与…相反。例句:Be contrary to ordinary procedure or limitations. 与普通的程序或者限制相反。5、on the contraryon the contrary英 [?n e? ?k?ntr?ri] 美 [ɑn ei ?kɑn?tr?ri] (与此)相反, 正相反;反倒;反而。例句:He is not stingy at all; on the contrary, no one could be more generous. 他一点儿也不吝啬,相反,没有比他更大方的了。
1、opposite party 英[??p?zit ?pɑ:ti] 美[?ɑp?z?t ?pɑrti] [词典] 对方; [例句]He joined himself to the opposite party.他参加了反对党。2、opposite angles [词典] 对角; [例句]The degree of the opposite angles is what?对角的度数是什么?3、to the contrary 英[tu: e? ?k?ntr?ri] 美[tu ei ?kɑn?tr?ri] [词典] 有相反情况,相反的; [例句]Despite repeated assurances to the contrary, Pakistan has not ended its nuclear programme.尽管巴基斯坦再三保证停止其核项目,但事实却并非如此。4、evidence to the contrary 网络 相反证据; 相反的证据; [例句]That does not automatically mean, however, that the money supply has been curbed, and there is considerable evidence to the contrary然而,那并不一定意味着货币供应量受到了限制,有大量证据表明事实正好相反。5、be opposite to 英[bi: ??p?zit tu:] 美[bi ?ɑp?z?t tu] [词典] 向着; 在…对面,与…相反; [例句]Let a cherry premier if after slumbering bottom, I and he Be opposite to sit, again compotation quite a few cup wine.先让樱若睡下之后,我和他相对坐着,又共饮了好几杯酒。

相反的 英语短语

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