



火柴人:即使给他一盒不起眼的火柴,都有办法骗到一大笔钱的高段骗徒。 无疑,尼古拉斯·凯奇将一个患有心理疾病的行骗艺术家的强悍与懦弱演绎的淋漓尽致:一方面他自信自己的骗术无懈可击,另一方面却没有提防搭档对自己设下的陷阱;一方面他努力做好一个父亲的角色借此缓解心灵上的空虚,另一方面却被徒弟和假冒的“女儿”欺骗着他的感情和善良。  从这部影片中,我们看到的不仅仅是人心叵测,更令我们震撼的,是爱对一个冷血而理智的人的改变:他失去了他的睿智,换回来了心灵上的安慰;他失去了他的财富,却得到了安详的生活。当一个人想做好一个父亲的时候,他心甘情愿被自己的“女儿”欺骗,因为此时他所骄傲的“行骗艺术”已经丝毫不值一提,在他心目中最重要的,也是最能使他心灵安静的,是做父亲的感觉。罗伊享受这种感觉,也因为深陷其中不能自拔而失去了他的财富和尊严。  从影片中走出来,让我们回顾一下自己的人生,又有多少人能够真正得到最有价值的财富呢?我们总是追求名利,追求虚荣和富有,可是往往忽略的是能使我们内心的安逸的真情。当我们的灵魂被世俗的目标所麻痹,金钱闪耀的光芒背后,是我们悔之不及的空壳。只有当我们真正找到了爱,真正找到了人生中最重要的财富,我们的弱点也不再是弱点,人不会再被击倒,而是能坦然的面对生命中的一切,这是真正的强悍。罗伊被骗后的生活走上了正轨,因为他和他“女儿”生活过的时光才是他人生中最宝贵的财富。  我们也应该试图为自己找到一些真正宝贵的财富,在我们遇到冲击的时候,有一个可以靠岸的港湾停泊劳累的心灵。http://baike.baidu.com/view/927467.htm#6



又要主要内容,又要角色演员介绍,还要评价,100字怎么够啊...中文100字也不够呀....500字以上可以的话,可以试试.... 阿甘正传:forrest gump is a 1994 american comedy-drama film based on the 1986 novel of the same name by winston groom. the film was directed by robert zemeckis, starring tom hanks, robin wright, and gary sinise. the story depicts several decades in the life of forrest gump, a simple alabama man who travels across the world, sometimes meeting historical figures, influencing popular culture, and experiencing firsthand historic events of the late 20th century.people think there was something wrong with forrests brain, but not serious. that was the case. due to his blunt brain, forrest couldnt think too much, just did the same thing constantly, such as run, such as playing ping-pong, such as catching shrimp. due to his clumsy mind, he even didnt know many usual boring things of life and then he lived a quite happy life. we are clever, we know a lot, and we care about too much. but many of us even cant do one thing very well and cant become successful like forrest gump. i used to think i was quite clever and i could do a lot of things. but i have achieved nothing until now. i must learn from forrest gump——just run, not consider why i run——just do one thing, not many! 叫我第一名:joe somebody is a 2001 american comedy-drama film written by john scott shepherd and directed by john pasquin. the film stars tim allen as a man stirred into action by a workplace bully. the film also stars julie bowen, kelly lynch, greg germann, hayden panettiere, patrick warburton and jim belushi.“joe somebody” is the story of joe scheffer (allen), an everyday business man who is constantly looked over in life. his wife (kelly lynch) has recently divorced him, the job promotion he was promised months ago has never happened and even though hes worked for the same company for ten years, no one can remember his name. rather than lashing out at the world, joe continues to bottle up his anger inside of him. when he gets punched by a co-worker in front of his daughter over a parking spot though, its the final straw. joe decides that this nobody is going to finally become a somebody and begins taking self-defense lessons in an attempt to finally beat the bully that set him off.while the story behind “joe somebody” has a moral thats good for young kids to learn, there have been 100 movies just like this geared towards a family audience. “joe somebody” was intended to finally break the mold of this family-friendly story by being rated pg-13, but when fox discovered they didnt have a film that was kiddie-friendly for the holidays, they axed “joe somebody” for a pg-rating. now, “joe somebody” is a cliched-filled family film with lines and situations so predictable, audiences will be left groaning rather than laughing. sure the film has a couple funny moments– the scene where allen and a bunch of 40-something co-workers do karaoke to the backstreet boys “larger than life” should receive a few laughs from the 20 and under crowd– but its ending is so corny that nothing could prevent audiences from wishing they saw harry potter or monsters, inc. for the umpteenth time rather than sitting through “joe.”


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