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In a room inside, a special wedding held quietly. He, a hunan boy in order to meet with acute leukemia girlfriend with wedding dream in her birthday this day, in the hospital ward and she get married, they doctor became the chief witness at a wedding, many nurses, patients for the couple to blessing, although their wedding no red carpet not busy Dutch, but they are at the point of life, to the world declaration, and they will life hand in hand. Because of love, they walk together. They also love to continue into the future journey.
In a ward, held a special wedding. He, one Hunan small group to meet body suffering from acute leukemia of girlfriend put Shang wedding of dream in she birthday this day, in hospital ward and she married, they of attending doctors into has this field wedding of witnesses, many of nurses, patients for this on new sent Shang blessing, and while they of wedding no red carpet no lively of feast, but they in life of critical, to World Declaration, they to life together. Because of love, they come together. They also continue to journey towards the future with love.


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