
1,阿凡达 里面的所有音乐


阿凡达 里面的所有音乐


I see you
i see you 我见到了你



《I see you》 http://www.letv.com/ptv/vplay/460783.html这里可以看到MV,也能听。 http://cgi.music.soso.com/fcgi-bin/m.q?w=i%20see%20you这里也可以听。
I see you ,
<i see you>



热播大片《阿凡达》主题曲歌词(图)_教育_2010年1月5日 《阿凡达》主题曲歌词 《I see you》 Walking through a dream I see you My light in darkness breathing hope of new life 求阿凡达主题曲中文歌词- - 2010年1月8日 您好歌词如下Walking through a dream I see you My light in darkness breathing hope of new life Now I live through you and you through me 《阿凡达》主题曲歌词欣赏(英文版) -阿凡达-文化娱乐2010年1月4日 《阿凡达》主题曲歌词欣赏(英文版) 来源: 扬州晚报 电影主题曲:I SEE YOU /《我看见你》 演唱:丽安娜·刘易斯 阿凡达主题曲《I see you》歌词中英文对照- 视听英语英语电影学习 2009年12月12日 由著名导演卡梅隆执导的3D电影Avatar《阿凡达》将于元旦后在中国大陆上映。阿凡达主题曲歌词这部影片耗资巨大可谓是卡梅隆空前之举,就连Avatar的主题曲《I see you》 阿凡达主题曲歌词http://soucang.baidu.com/hoxh941/tag/1414113


《阿凡达》主题曲-I see you 歌手:Leona Lewis Walking through a dreamI see youMy light in darkness breathing hope of new lifeNow I live through you and you through meEnchantingI pray in my heart that this dream never ends 梦里穿行我见到了你是我黑暗中的光芒,吐纳新生活的希望于是我中有你,你中有我就这么着了魔从心底祈愿,沉醉梦里不愿醒 I see me through your eyesLiving through life flying highYour life shines the way into paradiseSo I offer my life as a sacrificeI live through your love 通过你的的眼睛,看到真实的自己驰骋生活,朝天际飞去而你照亮了通往天堂的轨迹我愿把自己贡献成祭品因你的爱,我才存在 You teach me how to seeAll thats beautifulMy senses touch your word I never picturedNow I give my hope to youI surrenderI pray in my heart that this world never ends 是你教我睁开双眼看清世间美丽我的感知是你,未曾触及的话语给你我全部的希望我彻底投降从心底祈愿,这世界不要消亡 I see me through your eyesLiving through life flying highYour love shines the way into paradiseSo I offer my lifeI offer my love, for you 通过你的的眼睛,看到真实的自己驰骋生活,朝天际飞去而你照亮了通往天堂的轨迹把我的生命交给你把我的爱,统统给你 When my heart was never open(and my spirit never free)To the world that you have shown meBut my eyes could not divisionAll the colours of love and of life ever moreEvermore 我从未开启的心从未自由的魂灵是你引领我步入新天地但我这凡胎肉眼,要怎么分辨这爱的色彩,这生命的斑斓,从今往后直到永远 (I see me through your eyes)I see me through your eyes(Living through life flying high)Flying highYour love shines the way into paradiseSo I offer my life as a sacrificeAnd live through your loveAnd live through your lifeI see youI see you 通过你的的眼睛,看到真实的自己驰骋生活,朝天际飞去而你照亮了通往天堂的轨迹我愿把自己贡献成祭品因你的爱,我才存在因你的的生命,我才存在我见到了你我见到了你
主题曲叫i see you

6,阿凡达中的主题曲是什么名字 歌词是什么

《阿凡达》主题曲《 i see you 》诠释凄美爱恋
主题曲是 I see you 歌词: I see youLeo na LewisWalking through a dream在梦里穿行I see you我见到了你My light in darkness breathing hope of new life我黑暗中的光芒,产生了新生活的希望Now I live through you and you through me我们彼此依赖Enchanting像着了魔一样I pray in my heart that this dream never ends我从从心底祈愿,愿沉醉梦里永远不醒I see me through your eyes通过你的的眼睛,我看到真实的自己Living through life flying high超越生活,飞向天际Your life shines the way into paradise而你照亮了我通往天堂的路So I offer my life as a sacrifice我愿以生命贡献I live through your love因为你的爱,我才存在You teach me how to see是你教我睁开双眼All thats beautiful看清世间美丽My senses touch your word I never pictured我感受的是你从未说出的话语Now I give my hope to you给你我全部的希望I surrender我屈服了I pray in my heart that this world never ends我从心底祈祷,这世界不要消亡I see me through your eyes通过你的的眼睛,我看到真实的自己Living through life flying high让我超越生活,飞向天际Your love shines the way into paradise而你照亮了通向天堂的道路So I offer my life我把生命交给你I offer my love, for you以及我的爱,统统给你When my heart was never open我的心从未开启(and my spirit never free)和我从未自由的魂灵To the world that you have shown me是你引领我步入新天地But my eyes could not division但我这双眼睛却不能分辨All the colours of love and of life ever more这爱的色彩,这生命的斑斓,从今往后Evermore直到永远(I see me through your eyes)I see me through your eyes通过你的的眼睛,看到真实的自己(Living through life flying high)Flying high驰骋生活,飞向天际Your love shines the way into paradise而你照亮了通往天堂道路的的轨迹So I offer my life as a sacrifice我愿以生命贡献And live through your love因你的爱,我才存在And live through your life因你的的生命,我才存在I see you我见到了你I see you我见到了你

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