

flowers 可数名词哦。



一般的谁都知道 说些不常见的azalea 杜鹃花 begonia 秋海棠 Brazil 巴西木 cactus 仙人掌 camellia 山茶花 carnation 麝香石竹(康乃馨) Chinese enkianthus 灯笼花 Chinese flowering crab-apple 海棠花 chrysanthemum 菊花 dahlia 大丽花 daisy 雏菊 datura 曼陀罗 epiphyllum 昙花 fringed iris 蝴蝶花 fuchsia 倒挂金钟 gardenia 栀子 India canna 美人蕉 jasmine 茉莉 lilac 丁香 lily 百合 mangnolia 木兰花 mangnolia 玉兰花 morning glory 牵牛(喇叭花) narcissus 水仙花 oleander 夹竹桃 orchid 兰花 pansy 三色堇 peony 牡丹 peony 芍药 phalaenopsis 蝶兰 rose 玫瑰 rose 月季 setose asparagus 文竹 touch-me-not (balsam)凤仙花 forget-me-not勿忘我 tulip 郁金香 violet, stock violet 紫罗兰 water hyacinth 凤眼兰
菊花 mum 牡丹 peony 水仙花 narcissus兰花 orchid 玫瑰 rose
rose 玫瑰花等等去金山词霸查吧,好多的
flowers 可数名词哦。



Flower英 [?fla??(r)]美 [?fla??]flowern.花;精华;开花植物inflorescencen.开花,花,花序;花朵;花簇数据来源:金山词霸双语例句全部flower1.儿童是祖国的花朵。Children are the flowers of our motherland.《汉英大词典》2.天花板很高,上面装饰着石膏水果和花朵。It had a high ceiling, ornamented with plaster fruits and flowers.《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》3.蜜蜂从花朵上采集花蜜。Bees gather nectar from flowers.
flower;inflorescence ;例句:1. 摘下这小花朵拿好它,不能迟缓!pluck this little flower and take it, delay not!article.yeeyan.org2.有一簇十分蔚蓝的花朵总会会引起我的注意。there is one particular blue flower that has always caught my eye.article.yeeyan.org3.噢盛开的花朵悬在战栗的空气中o blossom that hangs in the tremulous air!article.yeeyan.org4.两种色调的映山红的盛开造就了花园里鲜花非常艳丽的花朵。two-toned azaleas blossoms make for very showy blooms in the flower garden.article.yeeyan.org5.深紫红色和绿色的花朵,使它的花卉展示得比较独特。the burgundy and green blooms make for a unique flower&nbsp缉尝光妒叱德癸泉含沪;display.article.yeeyan.org希望我的回答能帮助到您,满意的话烦请采纳~



rose 玫瑰花tulip 郁金香balsam 凤仙花canna 美人蕉lily 百合花jasmine 茉莉sweet pea 香豌豆花sunflower 向日葵geranium 大竺葵morning-glory 牵牛花cosmos 大波斯菊pansy 三色堇poppy 罂粟花marigold 金盏花carnation 麝香石竹amaryllis 孤挺花dahlia 大丽花pink 石竹花crocus 番红花iris 蝴蝶花hyacinth 风信花daffodil 黄水仙chrysanthemum 菊marguerite, daisy 雏菊gladiolus 剑兰cantury plant 龙舌兰magnolia 木兰yucca 丝兰orchid 兰花freesia 小苍兰cyclamen 仙客来begonia 秋海棠anemone 银莲花wisteria 柴藤redbud 紫荆dogwood 山茱萸hawthorn 山楂camellia 山茶hydrangea 八仙花hibiscus 木槿peony 芍药azalea 杜鹃rhododendron 杜鹃花daphne 瑞香gardenia 栀子lilac 紫丁香night-blooming cereus 仙人掌apple 苹果pear 梨orange 桔子quince 柑橘apricot 杏plum 洋李pistil 雌蕊ovary 子房petal 花瓣anther 花药stamen 雄蕊nectar gland 蜜腺sepal 萼片stalk 花柄pollen 花粉
red rose 红玫瑰yellow rose 黄玫瑰glandiolus 剑兰flesh flower 鲜花flower shop 花店silk flower 绢花casablanca 香水百合red sanders or red sandalwood 紫檀Gerbera jamesonii Bolus 扶郎不好意思,我只查到那么多~~
The perfume lily, the heaven bird, red rose, the powder rose, the white rose, the Gladiolus gandavensis, disperses the tail, the fish tail, holds court attendant and so on. The silk flower, the fresh flower, the fresh flower shop, the red sandalwood, the marriage celebrates the company, the rainbow gate. Moreover: The newly married celebration, hundred years good gathers, the happy knot predestined match, man is hansan girls are nice, the day makes it gathers and so on.
a bird of paradise 天堂鸟rose color 玫瑰a sword-leaved cymbidium; a sword lily; a gladiolus 剑兰

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