
1,下象棋中的play 后面跟the吗

不用加的呀:play chess 是固定用法。乐器前必须加the 如:play the violin
不加the play chess 西洋乐器前加the play the piano 球类前不加play basketball
不能 。 只有乐器的play前能加,球类和象棋的play前面不能加。

下象棋中的play 后面跟the吗

2,用be good at sth造两个句子

be good at 意为“擅长……”,后接名词、代词或ving形式。Im good at playing chess. 我擅长下象棋。We should be good at learning from each other. 我们应该善于互相学习
Mary is good at mathJone is good at swimming
你好,依次是:i am good at playing chess(我很擅长下象棋)she is good at swimming(她擅长游泳)he is good at english(他擅长英语)we are good at tennis(我们都擅长网球)希望对您有用望采纳谢谢

用be good at sth造两个句子


the way of his explains is simple 不会the reason of his sadess is he lost the game我们昨天看到的女孩是maryoffor
1. children2. june 1st3. may 5th4. april 23rd5. national
The method that he explained was very easy.He has three sons of whom none is a doctor.The reason why he was sad is that he lost the game.The girl we saw yesterday is Marry.thatwhy


4,英语 翻译懂的人来一下

词霸下载地址: http://pack.google.com/intl/zh-cn/pack_installer.html?hl=zh-cn&gl=cn
1.in the morning在早上 2.in the afternoon在中午 3.in the evening在晚上 4.have a good time玩得開心 5.learn English學英語 6.play chess下象棋 7.Did you have a good time?你玩得開心麼(過去試) 8.In the morning I learned English.在早上我學過英語(同上) 9.In the afternoon I swam in the sea.在中午我在海里游泳(同上) 10.In the evening I watched TV.在晚上我看电视(同上)
in the morning早上 in the afternoon下午 in the evening晚上 have a good time玩的愉快 learn English学英语 play chess下象棋 Did you have a good time?你玩的愉快吗 In the morning I learned English.我在早上学习了英语 In the afternoon I swam in the sea.下午我下海游泳 In the evening I watched TV. 晚上我看电视
in the morning 早晨,在早晨 in the afternoon 在下午 in the evening 在傍晚/晚上 have a good time 玩得高兴,玩得痛快 learn English 学英语 play chess 下棋,下象棋 Did you have a good time? 你(们)玩得高兴吗? In the morning I learned English.早上我学了英语。 In the afternoon I swam in the sea. 下午我在大海里游泳。 In the evening I watched TV. 晚上我看了电视。
in the morning在上午 in the afternoon在下午 in the evening在晚上 have a good time玩的很愉快 learn English 学英语 play chess下象棋 Did you have a good time?你玩的快乐吗 in the morning I learned English上午我学英语 in the afternoon I swam in the sea下午我去海里游泳 in the evening I watched TV 晚上我看电视了

文章TAG:下象棋  象棋  英文  play  下象棋英文  后面跟the吗  