




1、推荐信里的缺点不能是原则性的 推荐信的缺点不能是原则性的,原则性缺点包括很多,比如为人处世、马虎大意等等,这些让人家一看就没有好感的缺点千万不要写。同时,在围绕专业的这部分内容方面,也要注意分寸。例如,说自己很努力,但是专业方面仍然有不足,学习能力仍然有待加强,这样可以,这是谦虚的表现,同时也侧面写出了自己的优点。但是,如果说自己遇到挫折就没有耐心,麻痹大意,甚至无法和自己的合作者一起在专业方面合作等等,这种千万不能要。 2、适当提及自己的“缺点” 一封推荐信如果阐述的完全是被推荐的同学的优点,不免让人觉得有粉饰之嫌,如果能恰当地加入一些“缺点”,不仅能令推荐信真实,还会通过“似贬实褒”,反而突出了被推荐人的特殊气质。例如计算机专业、数学专业乃至金融专业的同学,在推荐信中可以考虑加入这样的词句:“该生有时因为过分专注于研究工作而难以平衡生活各方面的关系,这不失为一种美中不足”。这句话似乎是在谈“缺点”,但很明显这样的“缺点”其实正是很多专业最渴望的“缺点”——废寝忘食的工作态度,从而使得“缺点”也为申请提供了巨大帮助。 3、推荐信里的缺点不要针对自己的专业 可以考虑针对你的专业, 不注重的地方, 写一些缺点。比如你以后是要做研究的, 你就不能说自己没耐心, 不注意细节,或者以后你是要跟人打交道多的, 你就不能说自己不善于和人相处, 交流等等。推荐信里的缺点不要影响你所学专业,但是要看起来要真实一点, 而且不能跟你其他部分写的有矛盾。在推荐信中不要用尽所有表现人类美德、才华和优秀的形容词,却没有一个具体例证。在推荐信中适当提及缺点是非常有必要的,但是这个缺点最好不要针对自己所学的专业。



I am kitty,i would like to nominate Simon as our best student award for this semester(term),i have a few reasons to nominate him as below:1.He is excellent in maths,literature,and english.His History subject was good too,especially china history.2.He loves sport,good in basketball,he was our school basketball team player.3.He was helpful and love to help others,always giving seat to the elders in the bus.Donation for the Hope Project.He saved a drowned kids while on his way back to home.I am sure he reserve that awards better then others.thankyou.
this letter concerns mr/ms(name),a young man who recently applied for (申请事项exchange student),whose application i understand to be undergoing “future review” by your admissions committeeby way of confirming what you have already learned from the documentation be as submitted, i would like to say that i know mr/ms(name)to be an able, conscientious, highly motivated person with keen insights as well as a deep interest in intercultural communication and international business. i know this from direct dealing with him ,as well as from observing the results of his education.i fell he would be both a credit and asset to your fine program.i would very much appreciate any further consideration you could give to his/her application.your sincerely署名费了好大劲,自信地说我这个绝对没什么问题,唯一就是拼写或许有错误,要给我加分啊


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