
动词:to misunderstand 动名词:misunderstanding
. misunderstanding; misconstruction2. to misconstrue; to misinterpret; to misapprehend; to misconceive; to misunderstand



你好!1)误解在日常生活中十分普遍 误解产生许多问题和不必要的麻烦:毁坏友谊,带来不幸.Misunderstandings are very common in everyday life .Have a lot of misunderstanding and unnecessary troubles: the destruction of friendship and unfortunate.2)要避免误解有许多办法 A.不使用含有歧义(ambiguity)的语言。 B.表达意思清楚,发音清晰。 C.突出要点。 D.不要不懂装懂。 E.意思不清楚时要明白。 F.明白交际方面的性别差异。 there is lot of ways to avoid misunderstanding A. do not use with ambiguity (ambiguity) of language. B. Expression of the meaning clear, clear pronunciation. C. salient points. D. not to installed on the thing. E. do not know to understand the meaning. F. understand gender differences in communication.3)只要注意,很多误解可以避免。没有误解,生活会更美好。as long as the note that a lot of misunderstanding can be avoided. There is no misunderstanding, a better livelihood.



ought [c:t] aux. (~ to [verb] ) 应当, 应该 ought [c:t] v. 应该, 应当 you ought to work harder. 你应该更努力工作。 you ought to have come earlier. 你本该来得早一点儿。 the table-tennis game ought to / should have finished by now. 乒乓球比赛现在应该已经结束了。 大概会,可能会 prices ought to come down soon. 价格可能会很快下跌。 ought [c:t] v.aux. [oughtest或oughtst是古体,无时态和人称变化, 其后常接动词不定式, 表示过去时用完成式不定式] [表示责任、义务]应该; 应当; 总应该 [表示合适、明智等, 后接动词不定式的完成式]本应; 本当; 早应该 [表示可能性]大概 [口语中表示愿望]...才好 you ought to do your duty. 你应该尽到自己的责任。 one ought not to cross the street against the red light, 人们不该在红灯时过马路。 you ought to have told me that yesterday. 那件事你本应昨天就告诉我。 she ought to have been more careful. 她本应该小心才是。 it ought to have been done long ago. 这事早该做完的。 it ought to be a fine day tomorrow morning. 明天旱晨大概是个好天气。 you ought to see the picture. 这部影片你去看看才好。 ought [c:t] n. 应尽的义务, 责任 obedience to the ought 对义务的服从 oughtness n. 有义务的状态
你好!ought 英[?:t] 美[?t] aux. 应该(指道义上有责任); 应当(显示所采取行动正确或明智); 可能会; 预料会做(某事); vt. 应该(指道义上有责任); (表示愿望)应当(显示所采取行动正确或明智) ; 可能会; 预料会做(某事);
我那几个fought 打仗


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