
无锡国旅桃园门市部地址:梁溪路716号附近电话:(0510)85802248无锡国旅河埒营业部地址: 无锡市滨湖区梁清路101 离万达比较近的就是这2个了






  “美好世界的向导,文化交流的使者”。具有五十年历史的无锡国旅,素以“宾客至上、质量第一”为服务宗旨,竭诚为中外旅游者提供最优质的服务,历年来先后荣获全国国际旅游优质服务四连冠,连续被评为江苏省诚信旅行社。近十年来,无锡国旅坚持“以人为本”的经营理念,以“真诚、务实、创新、争优”为社训,以国内旅游、出境旅游、商务旅游、入境旅游为主业,打造多层次的旅游产品和线路,满足不同层次消费者的多元化需求。  无锡中国国际旅行社有限公司是无锡市最大的集国际国内旅游招揽、销售、外联和在华旅游接待服务旅行社之一。公司拥有组团经验丰富的专业销售人员和语种最多、业务熟练的导游队伍,并且是国际国内各大航空公司在锡的代理人之一,拥有国旅自己的车队和太湖旅游游船。  始于诚信,终于完美,创造辉煌,铸就品牌!。我们用自己的聪明才智,青春热血和满腔热情谱写无锡国旅绚丽的华章  "The Wizard better world, the cultural envoys." Wuxi has 50 years of history of the brigade, in order to "guests first, quality first" for the purpose of service and dedication to Chinese and foreign tourists to provide the best quality service, over the years has won the international tourism services from four consecutive championships, was a row Jiangsu Province integrity as travel agencies. Over the last decade, Wuxi Brigade adhere to the "people-oriented" business philosophy to "sincere, pragmatic, innovative, Zhengyou" social training to domestic tourism, outbound tourism, business travel and tourism-based industry and create more Levels of tourism products and lines, at different levels to meet the diversified needs of consumers.  Wuxi China International Travel Service Co., Ltd. in Wuxi City is the largest collection of international and domestic tourism recruitment, marketing, outreach and travel in China to receive one travel agency services. The company has experienced group of professional sales staff and most languages, business team of skilled tour guides, and is the international and domestic airlines in-one of the agents, the brigade has its own fleet of Taihu tourism and cruise ships. Began in good faith, and finally perfect, create brilliant, molded brand! . We use their wisdom and talent, enthusiasm and youthful enthusiasm to write a magnificent tour of Wuxi, chapter


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