

Good morning,everybody. My name is***I am x old I graduated from the xxx school I like painting and swimming. I come from wuxi There are 3 people in my family,my mother,my father and I.My parents love dearly me very much,and I am happy. I hope that I can behave beautifully. Thank you.



Good Morning! Nice to meet you. 早安, 很高興見面, i am (Your Name) 我的名字是 () I am studying in (學校名稱), 我就讀於 () I have finished (第幾年級). 我己完成 () My hobbies are reading, singing, playing sport (興趣自己加). 我的興趣是 閱讀;唱歌; 玩運動 () After graduation I wish to enter into (進入那間學校). 畢業後希望能進() I would like to be a (那一种行業). 我希望成為 () I hope that can be my profession. 我希望那行業成為我的專業 I hope that I can use my knowledge to help the people they need my help. 我希望能用我的知識幫助需要我幫助的人
hello every body !i am glad to meet you! now ,let me introduce myself .my name is ...i am from ... i graduated from ... i like singing,reading ,playing basketball and so on.so ,i am an out going girl/boy..... 大家好,见到你们很高兴。现在让我来介绍一下我自己。我的名字叫。。。我来自。。。我从。。。(学校)毕业。我喜欢唱歌,看书,打篮球等。我是一个外向的女孩(男孩)。。。 简单介绍就可以了。具体看你的情况



my name is ...... ,是介绍名字吗?
hello everybody . am glad to be here to introduce myself. my name is 姓名 . i am 岁数years old , is a boy(girl) . born in 出生地 . .i graduated from 毕业学校名称 school 。 i am quick in thought and very fond of 喜欢的事物名称。in my spare time,i have broad interests like many other youngers 。 my birthday is 出生日期 . i like 爱好 .,and i like green,because of its association with nature and foliage, green in design can be used almost like a neutral colour: greens never clash with red or pink roses, yellow sunflowers, lilacs or bluebells. i hope that i will have a good time with you in the foolowing years . i like spring . spring is beautiful , i can sing and song ,is happy!. the flowers are beautiful too .the grass are green ,the sky is very bule. i believe you can like me too.thank you. 大家好!我很高兴能在这里介绍我自己。我的名字叫( )。我( )岁了,是一个男孩(女孩)。在 ( )出生。我毕业于( )。我十分热衷于( )。在我的业余时间,我和许多其他的年轻人一样对各种各样的东西感兴趣。我的生日是在( ),我喜欢( ),我喜欢绿色,因为它与自然和绿叶的关系,设计师常用它来充当中间色:绿色从不与大红或粉红的玫瑰、黄色太阳花、紫丁香、风铃草这些图案发生冲突。我喜欢春天,春天是漂亮的,我能唱歌和跳舞,很开心。春天的花也很漂亮。小草是绿色的,蓝天非常蓝。我希望在以后的日子里能与你们愉快的相处。也希望你们能喜欢我。谢谢。



原发布者:大鱼地一分钟英语自我介绍带翻译【5篇】  自我介绍是把自己的情况介绍出来,有书面语和口语,可以用国语也可以用外语。以下是小编搜集整理的一分钟英语自我介绍带翻译【5篇】,欢迎阅读,供大家参考和借鉴!更多资讯尽在自我介绍栏目!  一分钟英语自我介绍1:  Goodmorning,dearyouforgivingmetheopportunitytohavethisam姓名,graduatingfromtheDepartmentof专业at大学University.Bornintoamiddleclassfamilyin城市,省份,Ihavebeeninfluencedbymyfatherskeeninterestin学科.Heteaches学科inaUniversityandalwaystellsmealotabout学科内容.Therefore,whenIwasalittlekid,Ienjoyedreadingstoriesaboutthe学科,from...to...ThatswhyIdecidedtotake学科asmymajorinuniversity.  Iamopenminded,quickinthoughtandveryfondof学科.Inmysparetime,Ihavebroadinterestslikemanyotherstudents.Ilikereadingbooks,especiallythoseabout学科.IalsolikeEnglishverymuch,andhavepassCET6thislastyear,butIdothinktheresstillalongwaytogo,soIwontgiveupmyEnglishstudy,andIllkeepimprovingmyoralandlisteningability.Thankyouverymuchforyourtimeandattention.  翻译:  早上好,亲爱的教授们,感谢你们给我这个机会
自我介绍 英语带翻译 name is xx 。21years old. graduated from xx school. my hobbies, such as reading extensively, dancing, singing, etc. i think english is very useful to us, because the world many people speak english, if i can speak good english, i can talk with them and with their friends. so i hope to have the chance to exercise myself. in my home, my father has three people in the catering company work, my mother is a housewife, i sometimes very outgoing personality sometimes love quiet, i believe i can do this job. glad to meet you can today. i hope you can give me this opportunity, thank you我的名字是xx今年21岁.毕业于xx学校.我兴趣爱好广泛,例如读书,跳舞,唱歌等等.我认为英语对我们很有用,因为世界上很多人会说英语,如果我能说好英语,我就能与他们交谈进而与他们交朋友。所以我希望有机会好好锻炼自己.在我家里有3个人,我父亲在餐饮公司工作,我母亲是家庭主妇,我的性格有时外向有时又很爱安静,我相信我能胜任这份工作.很高兴今天有缘能与你见面.希望您能给我这次机会,谢谢我是经过多方考证才给您的建议,希望采纳

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