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ADD,表示西餐厅(All Day Dinning),在酒店业,ADD是西餐厅的缩写。ADD是All Day Dinning的缩写。西餐这个词是由于它特定的地理位置所决定的。“西”是西方的意思。一般指西欧各国。“餐”就是饮食菜肴。我们通常所说的西餐不仅包括西欧国家的饮食菜肴,同时还包括东欧各国,也包括美洲、大洋洲、中东、中亚、南亚次大陆以及非洲等国的饮食。西餐一般以刀叉为餐具以面包为主食,多以长形桌台为台形。扩展资料西餐礼仪1、就座时,身体要端正,手肘不要放在桌面上,不可跷足,与餐桌的距离以便于使用餐具为佳。餐台上已摆好的餐具不要随意摆弄。将餐巾对折轻轻放在膝上。2、使用刀叉进餐时,从外侧往内侧取用刀叉,要左手持叉,右手持刀;切东西时左手拿叉按住食物,右手执刀将其切成小块,用叉子送入口中。使用刀时,刀刃不可向外。进餐中放下刀叉时应摆成“八”字型,分别放在餐盘边上。刀刃朝向自身,表示还要继续吃。每吃完一道菜,将刀叉并拢放在盘中。如果是谈话,可以拿着刀叉,无需放下。不用刀时,可用右手持叉,但若需要作手势时,就应放下刀叉,千万不可手执刀叉在空中挥舞摇晃,也不要一手拿刀或叉,而另一支手拿餐巾擦嘴,也不可一手拿酒杯,另一支手拿叉取菜。要记住,任何时候,都不可将刀叉的一端放在盘上,另一端放在桌上。3、喝汤时不要啜,吃东西时要闭嘴咀嚼。不要舔嘴唇或咂嘴发出声音。如汤菜过热,可待稍凉后再吃,不要用嘴吹。喝汤时,用汤勺从里向外舀,汤盘中的汤快喝完时,用左手将汤盘的外侧稍稍翘起,用汤勺舀净即可。吃完汤菜时,将汤匙留在汤盘(碗)中,匙把指向自己。4、吃鱼、肉等带刺或骨的菜肴时,不要直接外吐,可用餐巾捂嘴轻轻吐在叉上放入盘内。如盘内剩余少量菜肴时,不要用叉子刮盘底,更不要用手指相助食用,应以小块面包或叉子相助食用。吃面条时要用叉子先将面条卷起,然后送入口中。5、面包一般掰成小块送入口中,不要拿着整块面包去咬。抹黄油和果酱时也要先将面包掰成小块再抹。6、吃鸡时,欧美人多以鸡胸脯肉为贵。吃鸡腿时应先用力将骨去掉,不要用手拿着吃。吃鱼时不要将鱼翻身,要吃完上层后用刀叉将鱼骨剔掉后再吃下层吃肉时,要切一块吃一块,块不能切得过大,或一次将肉都切成块。7、喝咖啡时如愿意添加牛奶或糖,添加后要用小勺搅拌均匀,将小勺放在咖啡的垫碟上。喝时应右手拿杯把,左手端垫碟,直接用嘴喝,不要用小勺一勺一勺地舀着喝。吃水果时,不要拿着水果整个去咬,应先用水果刀切成四瓣再用刀去掉皮、核、用叉子叉着吃。8、用刀叉吃有骨头的肉吃有骨头的肉时,可以用手拿着吃。若想吃得更优雅,还是用刀较好。用叉子将整片肉固定(可将叉子朝上,用叉子背部压住肉),再用刀沿骨头插人,把肉切开。最好是边切边吃。必须用手吃时,会附上洗手水。当洗手水和带骨头的肉一起端上来时,意味着“请用手吃”。用手指拿东西吃后,将手指放在装洗手水的碗里洗净。吃一般的菜时,如果把手指弄脏,也可请侍者端洗手水来,注意洗手时要轻轻地洗。9、吃面包可蘸调味汁吃到连调味汁都不剩,是对厨师的礼貌。注意不要把面包盘子“舔”得很干净,而要用叉子叉住已撕成小片的面包,再蘸一点调味汁来吃,是雅观的作法。参考资料来源:百度百科-西餐厅参考资料来源:百度百科-ADD
ADD,表示西餐厅(All Day Dinning),在酒店业,ADD是西餐厅的缩写。ADD是All Day Dinning的缩写。
All day dinning (restaurant):是全日营业(餐厅)的意思 。英文当中没有西餐厅的专属单词,就好像中文当中的“饭店”就是基本上指吃中餐的地方一样。“西餐厅”是中国人对经营外国菜系的餐厅的叫法,并不是外来语
ADD,表示西餐厅(All Day Dinning),在酒店业,ADD 是西餐厅的缩写。


红烧狮子头英语版的菜谱及做法 2 lbs. ground beef 1 c. corn flakes crumbs 1/3 c. parsley flakes 2 eggs 2 tbsp. soy sauce 1/4 tsp. pepper 1/2 tsp. garlic powder 1/3 c. catsup 2 tbsp. minced onions
1.西红柿炒蛋 ingredients:1. 2 eggs 1/4 t. salt pinch of pepper 2. 3 tomotoes, cut in chunks 1/8 t. salt 1 c. water 2 t. ketchup 1 t. cornstarch chopped spring onion method: 1. Beat the eggs lightly. Add ingredient One. 2.Heat 1 tablespoon of oil in the wok. Stir-fry the egg in the oil until set and remove from wok. 3. Clean the wok. 4. Heat yet another tablespoon of oil, stir-fry the tomato chunks, add ingredient Two. When almost done, add the eggs and stir-fry quickly over high heat.Remove from heat. 5.Sprinkle with choppd spring onion.
英文西餐食谱-Creamy vegetable tarts 英文西餐食谱|西餐食谱|Creamy vegetable tarts Pastry 300g plain flour,15g baking powder,100g butter,25g ground walnuts,2 eggs, London Gold to mix. 腌 料 : Fillings 1 roasted onion with 4 char-grilled fresh asparagus spears, 1 roasted onion with 2 artichoke halves, 1 roasted onion with, 1-2 char-grilled red peppers, 1 roasted onion with 2-3 soaked sundered tomatoes 调味料 : custard sauce 3 eggs, 150ml London Gold, 125g cream cheese, 15-25ml balsamic vinegar, chopped herbs or flavourings, 50g grated parmesan cheese
Glazed chilli chicken and ginger pak choy INGREDIENTS 650g chicken breast fillets ? cup (60ml) sweet chilli sauce 1 tablespoon soy sauce 2 tablespoons olive oil 4cm piece of ginger, coarsely chopped 2 garlic cloves, chopped 2 bunches pak choy, trimmed, leaves separated, washed 2 tablespoons chicken stock steamed rice, to serve METHOD 1. Slice each chicken breast horizontally through centre, then cut in half lengthways. Place in a shallow bowl and pour over combined sweet chilli sauce, soy sauce and half of oil. Turn to coat and set aside to marinate for 10 minutes. 2. Preheat a grill on high. Line a grill tray with foil. Place chicken pieces on prepared tray and cook under grill, 6cm from heat, for 3 minutes, basting well. Turn, baste again and cook for another 2 minutes. 3. Meanwhile, heat remaining oil in a wok on high. Cook ginger and garlic for 1 minute, until fragrant. Add pak choy and stir-fry for 2 minutes. Stir through stock and cook for another minute. 4. Serve chicken with ginger pak choy and steamed rice and drizzle with wok juices.

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