

There is a tall building on the left of the playground.
On the left of the playground, there is a tall building.



只有两座高楼Only two tall buildings只有两座高楼Only two tall buildings
Only two tall buildings只有两座高楼再看看别人怎么说的。
Only two tall buildings只有两座高楼


3,英文的建筑物的单词 比如餐馆大桥大厦什么的 也要中文的 搜

餐馆: Restaurant大桥: Bridge 大厦: Building摩天大楼: Skyscraper飞机场: Airport火车站: Train Station游乐场: Amusement Park警察局: Policestation有没有什么楼主特别想要的,我可以帮着找,因为这建筑物的单词实在是太多了

英文的建筑物的单词 比如餐馆大桥大厦什么的 也要中文的  搜


可以有几种说法:The height of this building is 50 metres.This building is 50 metres in height.This building is 50 metres high.
翻译如下这座大楼的高度是50米the height of the building is 50 meters
The building is 60 metres tall .The building is 60 metres in height .


高楼的同义词:大厦。高楼【拼音】:gāo lóu【解释】:高层的住宅大楼或办公大楼【例句】:堠馆人稀夜更长,姑苏城远树苍苍。江湖潮落高楼迥,河汉秋归广殿凉。月转碧梧移鹊影,露低红草湿萤光。文园诗侣应多思,莫醉笙歌掩华堂。大厦【拼音】:dà shà【解释】:1.高大的房屋。2.今亦用作高楼之名。如:上海大厦。【例句】:新建成的电影城大厦座落在青山脚下,外表的装璜金碧辉煌,令人目迷五色。
in the moring the sun rises behind the montain . my shadow is long.in the afternoon the sun is high in the sky . my shadow is short. in the evening the sun goes down .my shadow is long. 我的影子在早晨的太阳升起在山。我的影子是长的。在下午,太阳高高挂在天空。我的影子是短的。在傍晚太阳落下我的影子是长的。


帝国大厦(英语:empire state building),是位于美国纽约市的一栋著名的摩天大楼,共有102层,由shreeve, lamb, and harmon建筑公司设计,1930年动工,1931年落成,只用了410天,它的名字来源于纽约州的别称帝国州(empire state),所以英文原意实际上是“纽约州大厦”,而“帝国州大厦”是以英文字面意思直接翻译之译法,但因此帝国大厦的译法已广泛流传,故沿用至今。the empire state building (english: the empire state building), is located in the united states a famous skyscrapers in new york city, a total of 102 layer, by shreeve, lamb, and harmon architectural design company, started in 1930, completed in 1931, only 410 days, it takes its name from the nickname of new york empire state [state), so the english meaning is actually a "tower of new york", and "empire state building is literally a translation in english translation, but therefore the translation of the empire state building has been widely circulated, in use today.

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