1,樱花英文 怎么

Cherry Blossom

樱花英文 怎么写


樱花:sakura; oriental cherry



学名:Sakura 英文名:Cherry Blossom 凋:wither 落:fall 翻译句子:Cherry blossoms wither and fall.(一般现在时)



你好。樱花 翻译成一个英语单词是:sakura。——————希望帮到你,满意请采纳。
cherry blossom 或 sakura(日文说法)


cherry blossoms 象征代表意义:热烈、纯洁、高尚 花语:生命、幸福一生一世永不放弃,一生一世只爱你,命运的法则就是循环 ,等你回来 山樱:向你微笑、精神美 西洋樱花:善良的教育 冬樱花:东方的神秘 重瓣樱花:文静 樱花草:青春 山樱花:纯洁/高尚/淡薄 樱花花语:生命补充山樱的话语:花语是「向你微笑」、「精神美」西洋樱花的花语是「善良的教育」


翻译如下:樱根据语境:Sakura、cherry; oriental cherry都可以。例句:三月的微风,迷了桃红,乱了樱粉。March breeze, fans of the pink, cherry pink mess.
sakura; oriental cherry:


Plum flower Cherry cherry blossoms Oriental Cherry, Cherry Blossom, Japanese cherry blossoms oriental cherry
Plum flower
應該是cherry blossom
Cherry Blossom
是Oriental cherry
Cherry Blossom 中文意为:花,开的很美。 专有名词为:樱花。 http://baike.baidu.com/view/4659.htm
学名 Prunus serrulata 英文名 Flowering Cherry 别名 山樱花、福岛樱、青肤樱 科属 蔷薇科 产地 北半球温带,以中国西南山区各类最为丰富,栽培的樱花以日本樱花最为著名。 习性: 多为落叶灌木。对气候,土壤适应范围较宽。喜光、耐寒、抗旱,在排水良好的土壤上生长良好。花期4月。 形态特征: 树冠卵圆形至圆形形,单叶互生,具腺状锯齿,花单生枝顶或3-6簇生呈伞形或伞房状花序,与叶同时生出或先叶后花,萼筒钟状或筒状,栽培品种多为重瓣;果红色或黑色,5-6月成熟。 常见栽培种类有: 樱花(P.serreulata)为落叶乔木,高15-25m,树皮暗栗褐色、光滑。叶卵形或卵状椭圆形,缘具芒半成熟齿;花白色或粉红色,径2.5-4cm,花期4月。 日本晚樱(P.lannesiana)高约10m,树皮淡灰色。叶倒卵形,缘具长芒状齿;花单或重瓣、下垂,粉红或近白色,芳香,2-5朵聚生,花期4月。 日本早樱(P.subhirtella)为小乔木,高约5m,树皮横纹状,老树皮缏。小枝褐色,叶倒卵形至卵状披针形。花粉红色,径2-2.5cm,2-5朵呈伞形花序,春季叶前开花。 大山樱(P.sargentii)高12-20m,树皮褐色,小枝紫褐色,叶椭圆状卵形。花粉红色,2-4朵簇生,径3-5cm,花期3-4月。 云南樱花(P.cerosoides)高约10m,树皮褐色,小枝紫褐色,叶椭圆状卵形或倒卵形,缘具重齿。花粉红色至深红色,2-5朵簇生,花期2-3月。 科樱花(P.majestica)高约25m,树皮浅褐色,小枝绿色,叶长椭圆形至披针形,花粉红色,花期1月至翌年1月。 Systematic name Prunus serrulata English name Flowering the Cherry alias mountain oriental cherry, the lucky island prunus pseudocerasus, the blue skin prunus pseudocerasus branch is the rose family habitat Northern Hemisphere temperate zone, by China southwest mountainous area each kind richest, the cultivation oriental cherry is most famous by the Japanese flowering cherry. Habit: Many is the fallen leaf bush.To the climate, the soil adaptation scope is wide.Happy light, cold resistant, drought-resistant, grows good on the draining water good soil.Flowering season in April. Shape characteristic: The crown egg circular to the circular shape, the single leaf alternate growth, has the glandiform denticle, spends Shan Shengzhi to go against either 3-6 cluster assumes umbrella-type or the umbrella room shape inflorescence, simultaneously gives birth or the leaf after the leaf spends first, the calyx tube campanulate or the tube shape, the cultivated variety many is double petals; Fruit red or black, 5- in June is mature. The common cultivation type includes: (P.serreulata) is the fallen leaf tree, high 15-25m, the bark dark chestnut is brown, is smooth.The leaf oval or the egg shape ellipse, the reason has the awn half mature tooth; Colored white or pink, diameter 2.5-4cm, flowering season in April. (P.lannesiana) high approximately 10m, bark light gray.The leaf oval, the reason has the long awn shape tooth but actually; Colored list or double petals, sagging, flesh color or near white, fragrant, 2-5 gathers lives, flowering season in April. (P.subhirtella) is a microphanerophyte, high approximately 5m, bark across to the grain shape, bark from old trees pian.The small branch is brown, leaf but actually oval to egg shape lanceolate.The pollen is red, diameter 2-2.5cm,2-5 assumes the umbel, spring in front of the leaf blossoms. (P.sargentii) high 12-20m, the bark is brown, small branch purple brown, leaf ellipse shape oval.The pollen is red, 2-4 cluster, diameter 3-5cm, flowering season 3- in April. (P.cerosoides) high 10m, the bark is approximately brown, the small branch purple brown, the leaf ellipse shape oval or the oval, the reason has the heavy tooth but actually.Pollen red to scarlet red, 2-5 cluster, flowering season 2- in March. (P.majestica) high approximately 25m, bark shallow brown, the small branch green, the leaf to the lanceolate, the pollen is oblong red, flowering season from January to next year January.

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