1,环保局 英文怎么

environmental protection agency
environmental protection bureau
environmental protection bureau
Environment Protection Bureau
State Administration of Environment Protection

环保局 英文怎么说


上海环保科技有限公司翻译英文Shanghai Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Environmental Protection Technologies Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Environmental Protection Science & Technology Company Limited
翻译为英文:hebei baoblue environmental technology co. ltd.



in the sense应该可以翻译为在这一层面上,因为单纯翻译为意义或者意思并不符合前后分翻译风格,从前文的“许多国际观察家们开始注意到,中国在寻求环境与城市发展之间的平衡点。”从这个角度来说,全文是站在宏观且大方向的角度来分析的,所以用“层面”一次更符合全文通意。
sense= the balance between development and environment 可翻译成 在这方面
sense - 观念的意思,这里是指``Emphasis on the balance between development and environment``



我来自上海市:有两种。1、I came from shanghai. 2、I am from shanghai.
i came from shanghai.
I am from shanghai或I come from shanghai
1. I come from Shanghai2. I am from Shanghai
"市"不用翻译出来若一定要把"市"翻译出来的话.那么用 municipality 直辖市, 因为上海是直辖市I am/come from shanghai. I am/come from shanghai municipality.
您好,若您指的网点地址为:上海延安东路700号的延东支行,(英文:yandong sub-branch)。


I am a high school student Li Hua, and is also a community environmental protection, air pollution is serious, we should protect the environment
My name is Li Hua, a student of senior high school, I am also a community environmentalist. As the air pollution is rather serious, we should protect the environment.
I am Li Hua, a middle school student and a protector of the community environment. The air pollution is very serious. We must protect the environment.


你进入官方网站的英文版, http://www.sh1111.gov.cn/WebFront_EN/index.aspx可以看见下面一句话:Shanghai administration on city appearance and environmental sanitation was founded in April, 2000, which is the governing department for all the City Appearance Environmental Sanitation. 由此可以将“上海环境卫生管理局”翻译作Shanghai administration on city appearance and environmental sanitation。在右下角可以看到:Shanghai City Appearance and Environmental Sanitation Administrative Bureau,因此可以将其看作“上海环境卫生管理局”的另外一种译法。上海市容管理局可以这样翻译:Shanghai City Management and Administrative Execution Bureau


你好,翻译过来是这样的 今天,人民可以享受更长,更假期,如两个“黄金周假期” - 春节,国庆及中秋节等。他们有更多的时间来旅游。高的收入也有可能使普通人民出国旅游。 张海涛是上海中学生,将前往日本与他的父母过春节。“去海外一直是我的梦想,”张海涛说。“您将如何去亚彭空运或由船? “我问他。坐船舶”是一个更愉快的送往之旅“。”但飞机比船舶快得多。但是你不能看到很多在飞行时一看到这次访问将让你更快乐,因为你可以看到海浪,岛屿,甚至是大鱼。“ “你旅游自费?” “收入不多,我父亲的工作是回收垃圾,我感到非常自豪。节省了很多在过去三年氏多,他已为保护环境作出贡献。” 希望被采纳哦
今天,人民可以享受更长,更假期,如两个“黄金周假期” - 春节,国庆及中秋节等。他们有更多的时间来travel.Rising收入也有可能使普通人民出国旅游。 章嘿讨在上海中学生将前往日本与他的父母春节期间。“海外图灵一直是我的梦想,”章嘿套说。“您将如何去亚彭空运或由船? “我问他。由船舶ship.Traveling”是一个更愉快空运送往之旅“。”但飞机快得多的船舶。“”Yes.but你不能看到很多在飞行时一看到这次访问将让你更快乐,因为你可以看到海浪,岛屿,甚至是大鱼。“ “你旅游自费?” “金钱Certainly.Though我父亲的工作是回收垃圾,我感到非常自豪的him.He节省了很多在过去三年years.What氏多,他已为保护环境作出贡献。”

文章TAG:上海市环境保护局上海  上海市  环境  