1,辞职信 英文怎么

resignation 辞呈、辞职报告a (written) resignation书面辞职报告
resignation letter

辞职信 英文怎么说


感谢公司多时的照顾,但由于本人身体不佳,无法在公司工作,特辞去现职。希望公司理解与批准。辞离之前,本人定会做好交接工作,请公司放心。祝公司生意兴隆Thanks to the company, but because I care ailing, unable to work in the company. Hope that the company understands and approves me to quit. I will handover the work before resigned .Hope the company business better and better.
hello! thank you very much for taking the time to read my letter of resignation.i am vith very mix feelings writing this resignation letter. since i came into the company, thinks to your take care of guidance and trust that i have get a lot of opportunities and challenges.and this period of time in the company,i learned a lot of knowledge, accumulated amount of experience, i deeply appreciate. but my own ability inadequacy, in every respect to reach the requirement of the company, so after careful consideration, we put forward resignation to the company, the company approved.the company all colleagues and physical health, a successful work!sincerely,salute


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