
 注意:Plul Yana24麦迪逊大街,OH43004USA Cloumbus   亲爱的先生,   我们欠你的名字,在你第一次商业银行,通过我们明白你是颇有经验的工程设备的出口业务。      我们借此机会自我介绍,一进口商购买各种机器、工具、工具等,为客户在中国东部地区。为了让我们有pricelists贵公司产品的详细信息。在收到该等资料,我们将会看到什么东西给我们感兴趣的是你和我们的询盘。      我们预料收到你的快乐,在不久的将来。      你真诚的,



也许经济黑马的2013年将是加拿大,他们希望建设重点和Northern Gateway管道运输石油到美国和亚洲。尽管2012年的希望破灭,联邦资源部长乔奥利弗告诉邮报传媒金钱的气味可能对于许多拒绝:“我仍然相信,我们可以做到这一点,前提,当然,它通过监管机构审批。如果结论是这个项目可以被安全的加拿大人,对环境安全,这就需要走很长的路在尊重人的事实。“虽然没有办法知道未来会怎样,有一点点运气,一些艰苦的工作,和常识,2013年有望一年的成就对我们所有人。也许亚伯拉罕·林肯总结最好当他宣布:预测未来的最佳方式就是去创造它自己
i am sorry! our staff has made a mistake.the package is on the way to my home. although it took a little bit longer time, i should saythanks for your help.by the way, below is our new order,please kindly calculate the price. thanks!



本专业主要培养具有良好职业道德,掌握一定经贸理论知识、熟悉国际商务操作规程,具有扎实的英语语言基础和较系统的国际商务管理理论知识,具有较强的实践技能,能在外贸、外事、文化、新闻出版、教育、科研、旅游等部门从事翻译、管理、教学、研究工作的英语高级专门人才。  主要课程:主要学习基础英语、高级英语、英语听力、英语口语、英语写作、翻译理论与实践、英美文学史及选读、西方经济学、国际贸易、国际商务、市场营销等课程。学生毕业后授予文学学士学位。


4,商务英语 翻译

skiilful question is very important.By questioning, we can get more information which we can not get in our daily life and prove the judge in the past.
The question-asking skills are very important, Not only get some information which can not be got in normal times, but also confirm our previous judgements through questions..Exporters should know the requirements of importers by open questions, Because this can make importers can discuss their requirements freely by those questions,For example.Can you tell me more about your company? What do you think of your proposal.For answering to exporters, we need to note important and keys questions to prepare for later. After offered, The importers always ask about can not you do better than that ?As for this question we can not yield but ask in reply What is meant by better? or Better than what too much Your presentation mankes me feel a little too You know what I mean?In above mentioned isnmsureyouwillfindourpricemostfavorable.Elsewherepricesforhardwarehavegoneuptremendouslyinrecentyears.Ourpriceshavenmafraid,Itissaidthat,sortof,tosomeextent and so on Those hedges can help negotiator to cope the discussion hardship in above mentioned evironment, which can make discussion work successfully, If the speaker obey the polite rules,use the functions of hedges,which can express the meaning of discussion and avoid dogmatic,sometimes can express the refuse ,can not break the emotion of other side, can get the target of expressing yourself indirectly, It makes the woeds express more felicity and more suitiable

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