
The red light is on.这个才是正确的英语说法The light is red. 灯红了,不是红灯亮了the light is on red 这是中国英语
red light is on.
The light is red



open the front door leaps out of As soon as
“打开前门”open the front gate 1.这条鱼一下子跃出了水面。 The fish jumped out of the water. 2.直到你看到红绿灯再停。 Stop the moment you see the traffic lights.
Please open the door of front.
open the front door
Open the front door
Open the front door



light 至于怎么读呢 这样 light=赖特 “特”要读的很轻
“灯”的英文:light拼音:dēng 释义:1.照明的器具:电~。路~。~火(泛指亮的灯)。~语(通讯方法之一)。~标。2.其它用途的发光、发热装置:红绿~。指示~。酒精~。3.装饰张挂的彩灯:~节。~市。河~。冰~。组词:1、路灯【读音】:lù dēng 【释义】:安装在道路旁供照明用的灯。2、灯丝【读音】:dēng sī 【释义】:微细的导体(如碳或金属导体),电流通过时将呈现白炽状态3、灯火【读音】:dēng huǒ 【释义】:泛指亮着的灯烛4、灯会【读音】:dēng huì【释义】:元宵节举行的观灯集会,会上悬挂着各式各样的彩灯,灯火辉煌。有的灯会还有高跷、狮子、旱船、杂技表演等娱乐活动。现泛指群众性的观灯活动5、灯管【读音】:dēng guǎn【释义】:紫外线灯管则简称uv灯管,其中紫外线。



红灯停,绿灯行”的英文翻译是:The red light stops, the green light is all right.红灯 red lantern; red light停 stop; halt; cease; pause绿灯 green light permission to go 行 go 绿灯行 red light, stop; green light go例句:There are some laws in the universe that we should know , just like when we drive the car , we must know the laws of the traffic . The red light stops, the green light is all right.宇宙间有些法律我们应该遵守,好比开车应该遵守交通规则一样:红灯停绿灯行,公路行驶应靠左右行车,时速多少等等。
stop at the red light. go at the green light.
Stop at red lightGo at green light
“ Red light, stop. Green, light go."
Stop at the red light.Wait at the yellow light.Go at the green light.

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