

for instance, when in a new situation, an intelligent person thinks about the situation, not about himself or what might happen to him. he tries to find out all he can, and then he acts immediately and tries to do something about it. he probably isn`t sure how it will all work out, but at least he tries. and if he cannot make things work out right, he doesn`t feel ashamed that he failed, he just tries to learn from his mistakes. an intelligent person



如果写的有根据,写肯定方面也行因为题目给的是will the torism bring harm to the enviroment,写否定和肯定都是可以的不要担心会跑题不过我写的也是否定。这篇作文星火英语写作黄金模板上有范文,没看,悔恨啊!!!!
问题补充:那么我顺便问问吧 到底多少分及格?84还是85? 怎么可能及格分数线这么高啊!! 60分是及格 我是06年考的专四哦,呵呵。 1. 我记得很清楚,我们的成绩单是在9月13日寄到学校的,因为当时教师节的时候,邻边有一些学校已经收到成绩单了,可是我们学校还没有收到,所以当时整整担心了3天。呵呵呵。 2. 成绩在网上是没有查询的,我们学校当时是公布的,具体你们学校的话,公不公布就要看你们的了,你也可以问下大三、大四的学长学姐,如果你们去年没有公布的话,那今年也就有希望不会公布的吧,呵呵。 成绩单的话,我们是学习委员去统一领过来发给我们的哦。 3. 证书大概在11月可以拿到.,一本绿色的小册子,呵呵, good luck to you啦



百度分加太慢拉 求你把我设最佳答案吧 拜托
date dear hellen: i know you were absent in the last class meeting, which we had talked about a picnic this sunday. in the meeting we have decided to go to chuxiu park to have our picnic.do you like to join us if you want please bring you food, water,and 10yuan which is for the ticket. please do come we look forward to your arrival. sincerely yous mary date mr. blake i am writing to express my sincere gratitude for you hlep me prepared for the important english exam. first of all, i must thank you for you let me know the grammer clearly, which is very hard in my mind. secondly, i learned some skills from you, which is very precious in the exam. finally, i must thank you again for your generous help. sincerely yours jone 格式发上去就错误了,你自己应该知道吧。
我们老师说的是开头和结尾尽量写的漂亮一些,主要是不能有任何语法错误,句式要有变换,不能一逗到底。中间要写的有层次,不能堆在一起,看不出每一个讲的是什么就不好了。最好不要全部都照搬模板,如果是你看了100个人千篇一律的on one hand on the other hand...没有什么变化作文你就没心情再看下去了。最重要的还是开头结尾,以及第二段2-3的主要论点ps。偶滴专四是优秀,嘿嘿,希望对你有帮助


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