来源:整理 编辑:天津生活 2023-04-26 07:02:45
数学: http://wenku.baidu.com/view/17a71d020740be1e650e9aa3.html

3,今天一模考试我是天津市河东的 我的化学试卷用了修正带 是不是
应该不会,最后会有手动判卷的,我以前也干过这挫事,没事,死不了不会的 不是正式的中考或者高考一般这事是无视的再看看别人怎么说的。
4,2012大连中考一模数学 语文 英语 物理 化学试卷和 答案
2012大连中考一模数学 语文 英语 物理 化学试卷和 答案 数学:wenku.baidu./view/fdddd32258fb770bf78a559c. 语文:wenku.baidu./view/6131fd174431b90d6c85c737. 英语 暂无 物理 :wenku.baidu./view/2ff0a10976c66137ee06190c. 化学 暂无 2013年大连市中考一模数学,物理,化学模拟试卷及答案 2013年大连市中考一模试题——化学 相对原子质量: H=1 C=12 O=16 Na=23 Ca=40 一.选择题(本题共15小题,共15分。每小题只有一个选项符合题意) 1.下列变化中,属于化学变化的是 ( ) A.溼衣服晾干 B.汽油燃烧 C.蜡烛受热熔化 D.铁水铸成锅 2.空气中含量很少且化学性质很不活泼的气体是 ( ) A.二氧化碳 B.氮气 C.稀有气体 D.水蒸气 3.下列衣物由合成纤维制成的是 ( ) A.棉衬衣 B.羊毛背心 C.蚕丝围巾 D.腈纶手套 4.下列粒子中,不显电性的是 ( ) A.原子 B.原子核 C.电子 D.离子 5.下列物质中,属于混合物的是 ( ) A.液氧 B.矿泉水 C.水银 D.干冰 6.下列物质中,属于氧化物的是 ( ) A.碳酸[H2CO3] B.氢氧化钾[KOH] C.四氧化三铁[Fe3O4] D.硝酸铵[NH4NO3] 7.下列物质中,属于盐的是 ( ) A.氯化锌 B.盐酸 C.氢氧化镁 D.二氧化锰 8.下列物质的化学式书写正确的是 ( ) A.氧化铁[FeO] B.氯化银[AgCl2] C.硫酸钠[NaSO4] D.氢氧化铜[Cu(OH)2] 9.下列化肥中,不属于复合肥料的是 ( ) A.尿素[CO(NH2)2] B.硝酸钾[KNO3] C.磷酸钾[K3PO4] D.磷酸二氢铵[NH4H2PO4] 10.下列说法正确的是 ( ) A.pH=5.6的降雨是酸雨 B.pH越大溶液的酸性越强 C.健康人体的体液都为弱碱性 D.调节土壤的pH可以改良土壤 11.下列元素中,不属于人体必需微量元素的是 ( ) A.钙 B.铁 C.锌 D.碘 12.下列关于物质构成的说法错误的是 ( ) A.金刚石由碳原子构成 B.氯化钠由钠离子和氯离子构成 C.氧气由氧原子构成 D.二氧化碳由二氧化碳分子构成 13.下列化学反应中,吸收热量的是 ( ) A.氧化钙与水反应 B.镁与盐酸反应 C.碳与二氧化碳反应 D.甲烷与氧气反应 14.下列认识错误的是 ( ) A.人和动物呼吸消耗氧气,产生二氧化碳 B.绿色植物光合作用吸收二氧化碳,产生氧气 C.化石燃料燃烧消耗氧气,产生二氧化碳 D.能产生温室效应的气体只有二氧化碳 15.下列说法错误的是 ( ) A.用铁制锤子而不用铝,是因为铁的硬度较大 B.用铜做导线而不用银,是因为铜的导电性较强 C.铝能压成铝箔,是因为铝的延展性好 D.用不锈钢制医疗器械,是因为不锈钢的抗腐蚀能力强 二.填空题(本题共5小题,每空1分,共25分) 16.钢铁是使用最多的金属材料。 ⑴生铁和钢是含碳量不同的两种_________,工业上利用一氧化碳把铁从赤铁矿里还原出来的化学方程式为_____________________________________。 ⑵铁制品锈蚀的过程,实际上是铁与空气中的_____________反应的过程,防止家中的铁剪刀生锈的一个有效措施是____________________。 17.某自来水厂净水流程如下所示: 在天然水中加入明矾的作用是______________,过滤可除去水中____________杂质,活性炭可以吸附水中__________杂质。要检验清水池中的水是否是硬水,先取样,再加入__________;往清水池中通入氯气的目的是_____________。 18.合理利用和开发燃料是非常重要的。 ⑴化石燃料燃烧造成空气污染的主要原因有:燃料中的杂质燃烧产生的__________、燃料燃烧不充分产生的__________、未燃烧的________________等污染物排放到空气中。 ⑵多数汽车使用的汽油是由___________加工的产品,汽车使用混合动力(目前多采用内燃机和电动机为动力源)的优点除了能减少空气污染之外,还能__________________。 19.蔗糖在不同温度下的溶解度如下表: 温度/℃ 20 40 60 80 100 溶解度/g 203.9 238.1 287.3 362.1 487.2 ⑴蔗糖溶液的溶质是___________;碘酒的溶剂是_____________; ⑵20℃时,要使203.9g蔗糖恰好溶解,需要水的质量是______________; ⑶要使接近饱和的蔗糖溶液变为饱和溶液,除了加蔗糖之外的两种方法分别是________ _____________、________________________。 20.写出下列反应的化学方程式,并注明反应的基本型别。 ⑴煅烧石灰石制生石灰________________________、________________; ⑵用含氢氧化铝的药物中和过多的胃酸________________________、 23.(6分)实验室里常用以下装置制取气体。 ⑶利用红磷和氧气反应测定空气中氧气的含量__________________、_____________; 三.简答题(本题共5小题共24分) 21.(4分)发生火灾时,一定要将附近的液化石油气罐尽快搬离火场,因为高温时,液化石油气瞬间体积膨胀250~300倍,罐内压力骤然增大致使罐体破裂而发生第一次爆炸;当泄漏出的石油气在空气中的浓度降至3%~11%时,遇明火将发生第二次爆炸。 ⑴用微粒的观点解释第一次爆炸发生的原因。 ⑵分析第二次爆炸为什么会发生? 22.(3分)莽草酸是合成抗禽流感药物“达菲”的重要成分,莽草酸的相对分子质量小于200。一定质量的莽草酸在氧气总完全燃烧:①只生成二氧化碳和水;②反应消耗氧气的质量和生成二氧化碳中氧元素的质量相等;③生成的二氧化碳和水的分子个数比为1.4:1。 ⑴由①和②可以推知,莽草酸由__________元素组成; ⑵推断莽草酸的化学式,写出推断过程。 ⑴用高锰酸钾制氧气的化学方程式为__________________________,应选择的发生 装置是(填装置字母,下同)________; ⑵用过氧化氢制氧气的化学方程式为____________________,应选择的发生装置是____; ⑶ 要收集一瓶较纯的氧气用于铁丝燃烧实验,最好选择的收集装置是__________,开始收集时应注意:__________________________。 24.(5分)利用金属和某些溶液能否发生置换反应可以确定金属活动性顺序。为了验证铝、铁、铜的金属活动性顺序,某同学设计了两个合理方案,所需试剂如下: 方案一:铝片、__________________、铜片; 方案二:铝粉、氯化亚铁溶液、硫酸铜溶液。 ⑴方案一中缺少的试剂可以是_________________; ⑵写出方案二的实验操作步骤、预期现象和反应的化学方程式。 A B C D E 25.(6分)某补钙剂的主要成分是碳酸钙(其他成分不含钙元素且不与盐酸反应)。化学活动小组想测定该补钙剂中钙元素的质量分数,设计方案如下(如图所示,图中固定装置的仪器已略去);检查装置气密性良好,取10片药片研细,加入足量稀盐酸充分反应,产生气体经干燥后通入氢氧化钠溶液中,根据实验资料计算钙元素的质量分数。 ⑴装置D的作用是____________________________; ⑵为了获取所需资料,将以上方案补充完整。 ⑶有同学认为:反应生成的二氧化碳中可能混有少量氯化氢气体,可以利用二氧化碳难溶于饱和碳酸氢钠溶液的性质除去氯化氢,你是否同意他的观点,说明理由。 ⑷根据以上方案测定结果会偏低,分析原因并改进。 A B C D 四.计算题(本题6分) 26.实验室有瓶存放一段时间的氢氧化钠固体,部分已变质为碳酸钠。取2.00g该固体,先加水充分溶解,再加入足量澄清石灰水,生成1.00g碳酸钙沉淀。计算: ⑴2.00g该固体中碳酸钠的质量; ⑵该氢氧化钠固体的变质程度。(计算结果保留到1%) (提示:氢氧化钠的变质程度是指已变质的氢氧化钠占变质前氢氧化钠的质量分数) 2012大连中考二模数学试卷 在百度输入“2012大连中考”试试! 求河东区2011年中考一模数学试卷答案和语文的答案 数学:DBCBDCABAB (—1,3) 1/2;13y=x方+1 8 2n 3倍根3/2 (34)(84)(24); 1234 x=-1,y=1 y=4/x;(3,4/3) 3/4;1/4 5;20/3 不会150-50倍根3〉50 4500;7500 AE+AF=根3AD;成立;AE-AF=根3AD 求2012年徐汇区中考一模试卷(英语)答案、2012年青浦区中考一模试卷(英语)答案 自己做吧,挺简单的 哪里有2011大连中考二模数学试卷和化学试卷? 百度文库上搜 话说我是大连2011届的毕业生 2012年中等学校中考模拟数学.化学.物理.英语试卷G5答案 要答案有什么 用 2009届启学大联考英语,物理.化学,语文,数学试卷及答案 2009届启学大联考英语,物理.化学试卷及答案``_百度知道 悬赏分:50 - 解决时间:2008-8-30 14:48 急 最佳答案 回答者: - 级提问者对于答案的评价:11您觉得最佳答案...精华学校家教针对初高中学生需求,由特级教师,高阶教师,多年从事初高中教学的一线在职.. jinghua. 2008 Baidu... zhidao.baid u./question/66142234. 13K 2008-9-1 - 百度快照 这个网址也可以::zuowenw./gkst/gkywmn/200805/25469. 包头09中考一模(东河)物理 化学 试卷及答案! 这个很难找的在网上,推荐你去别的学校转下 急求2009年大连中考试卷(数学、语文、英语) 一、1-5 CBDCB 6-10 AACDD 11-15 CBCBB 16-20 CDBAC 21-25 ABBDA 26-30 CCCBD 31-35 ADAAC 36-40 CDBCB 41-45 DDADA 46-50 DCABA 51-55 CBEAF 56-60 waited for shouted surprised arrived get on 61-65 enough customs different but usual 66-70 food take till/until hungry for 71.Hes a lively and clever young boy 72. Because he wanted to give them a surprise. 73. Because Twain wrote it in the everyday English of the southern states of America in the 19th century, and it sounds very real. 74.看到汤姆,每一个人都很惊讶,但是看到他还活着,大家也很高兴. 75.最后,本书谈到了有关自由、社会规则以及人们如何因为劣行而受到惩罚. 76. Pay attention to spelling mistakes. 77.Is it going to rain 78.One of the quickest ways is by train 79.These magazines must not be taken from the library. 80.to s playing puter games 书面表达 略 只找到了英语
2017年中考就要来临了,作为初三学生的你做好英语的复习准备了吗?接下来,我就和大家介绍一套初三英语单元测试试卷,希望对各位有所帮助! 初三英语单元测试试卷 一、单项选择 (20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 从A、 B、 C、 D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。 ( )1. If you read the article for second time, you will have better understanding of it.A. a; the B. /; the C. a; a D. /; a ( )2. — How nice the fish tastes! Could you tell me who taught you to cook it? — To be honest, I learnt it watching TV. I learn to cook many dishes B. by; on C. in; on D. in; in TV.A. by; in ( )3. — Whats the of the car at present? — Its about 70 kilometers an hour. A. place B. speed C. price D. mark ( )4. — Why do you like Mrs. Lee? — Because she is very . She is never tired of explaining something to us again and again. A. active B. beautiful C. unusual D. patient ( )5. — Sorry, but I didnt quite catch what you said. Would you please your e-mail address?— OK. Its andy19840313@126.com. A. repeat B. return C. recycle D. review ( )6. — Han Li has improved her English a lot since she joined the English club. — How she chose to join it at first! A. quickly B. suddenly C. simply D. wisely ( )7. — Youre doing much better in your writing. can you improve it so quickly? — Well, I started keeping diaries in English two months ago. A. When B. Where C. How D. What ( )8. Jimmy is very helpful. I stay with him, I like him. A. The more; the most B. The most; the most C. The more; the more D. The most; the morew W w .x K b 1 .c o M ( )9. — My grandpa learns English for two hours every day, he is over 70. — Really? We should learn from him. A. because B. although C. since D. as ( )10. — Why not listen to BBC news to improve your listening skills? — Its difficult for me follow. A. too; to B. so; that C. such; that D. so; too ( )11. When you come across new words in reading, it is not a good idea to in a dictionary at once. A. make up them B. look up them C. make them up D. look them up ( )12. — What did Tina say? — Sorry, I didnt what she said. A. pay attention to B. get on with C. hold on to D. look forward to ( )13. — I havent got a partner . — Maybe you can ask John for help. A. work with B. to work C. working with D. to work with ( )14. Physics much easier for me since Mrs. Yang began to teach us. A. have been B. has been C. was D. were ( )15. — I wonder if I can learn English well. — . All things are difficult before they are easy. A. I am afraid so B. Youre slow C. It takes time D. Its a piece of cake ( )16. Lucy finally found _________exciting to have conversations with friends in Chinese. A. that B. this C. it D. its ( )17. ---Im going to listen _______the tape. ---OK. Remember to look ________the key words. A. to, to B. to ,for C. for, to D. for, for ( )18. ________or not you can learn well depends on your learning habits. A. If B. Weather C. How D. Whether ( )19.I have finished _________my report. May I start to learn ________the guitar? A. writing, playing B. writing, to play C. to write, playing D. to write, to play ( )20.For the first time, pay attention _________quickly to get the main ideas. A. read B. reading C. to read D. to reading 二、 完形填空 (10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、 B、 C、 D四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。 Many of you have been “bilingual talents (双语人才)” for years. We are not talking dialect (方言) and Putonghua. Zhang Yaoyi, 14, from Shanghai, is such a talent. “kindergarten time, Ive spoken Shanghai dialect at home, but Putonghua in school,” she said. China encourages the Putonghua even during class breaks. A in 2011 showed that only 60 percent of Shanghai students could fully understand their local dialect. Many people are . “The local culture is dying if a dialect is no longer said a famous teacher. “The most vivid (生动的) words and expressions are all of dialects,” he added. Zhang Yaoyi Some cities have taken action to dialects now. Since 2008, some primary schools in Guangzhou have asked students to speak the Guangdong dialect one day a week. Starting from this year, 20 Shanghai kindergartens encourage children to speak their dialect during breaks. , protecting dialects doesnt mean saying No to Putonghua. Dialects are just part of a multi-cultural (多元 文化 的) society. ( )1. A. to B. about B. Before B. life B. review B. difficult B. talked B. save B. Then C. with C. use D. down D. death ( )2. A. From ( )3. A. ability ( )4. A. report ( )6. A. boring ( )7. A. born ( )9. A. provide ( )10. A. Also 三、阅读理解(10小题,每小题2分,共20分) C. At D. Since C. poem D. decision C. possible D. popular ( )5. A. surprised B. worried C. pleased D. excited C. heard D. thought C. cause D. stop C. However D. Later ( )8. A. finds out B. forgets about C. agrees with D. learns about 第2 / 5页 A “It is never too late and you are never too old to start something new!” says Englishtown student Ellen Rema. Ellen began to learn English at the age of fifty, and in just a few years, she has made great progress! Ellen chose to study on Englishtown because no evening classes were offered in the German countryside where she lives. On Englishtown, she has conversation classes online and speaks with native English-speaking teachers. “Englishtown is a wonderful place for study,” she says. Ellen began with the first level (水平) of Englishtown and quickly progressed. “I spent hours and hours studying,” she said. “Maybe I wanted too much in a short time. I finished all my courses after 2 years, but I still had grammar difficulties.” Instead of giving up, she chose to continue. After another two years on Englishtown, shes still studying in the online classroom. “Studying online is never boring, but you need practice, practice, practice!” Ellen says studying English isnt all about hard work. It should also be fun. “I really like the online conversation classrooms,” she says. “I have learned so much about other cultures and traditions.” Ellen has been able to put her English to use by visiting England five times! “Im very thankful to Englishtown because my life has improved because of it,” Ellen says. ( )1. Ellen started to learn English . A. 50 years ago B. in a city of Germany C. when she was a high school student D. when she was 50 years old ( )2. Why did Ellen study English on Englishtown? A. She had no free time during the day. B. She lived far away from school. C. There were no evening classes near her home. D. Englishtown was a famous website to learn English. ( )3. Ellen had trouble learning . A. pronunciation B. grammar C. writing ( )4. How long has Ellen learned English? A. For 2 years. B. For 4 years. C. For 6 years. D. For 15 years. ( )5. Whats the main idea of this passage? A. You are never too old to learn something new.B. Englishtown is a good place to visit. C. The courses are good on Englishtown. D. Studying English is not boring at all. D. listening B US First Lady Michelle Obama, along with her mother and two daughters, made their first trip to China from March 20-26. They went to Beijing, Xian and Chengdu. In a speech at PekingUniversity,Mrs Obama encouraged students to study abroad. “Its not enough to get good grades in school,” she said in the speech. “It is better to travel 10,000 miles than to read 10,000 books. The experiences in other countries help make our life successful. By learning each others languages and by showing such curiosity (好奇) and respect (尊重) for each others cultures, you are building bridges of understanding and bonds of friendship,” she said. The US is the top destination (目的地) for Chinese students. More than 200,000 Chinese students are now studying in the US. In 2009, US President Barack Obama announced (宣布) his US students have come to China. Whats more, many kids in the US are now studying Chinese. “Learning Chinese is a cool thing in school. It is good for our future,” said Mason Grabowski, 14, a student from Chicago. “It is a hard language, but it is never too early to start learning it.” 根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。 ( )6. In March, members of the Obama family visited China. A. three B. four C. five D. six ( )7. In her speech at Peking University, Michelle Obama encouraged students to . A. get good grades at school B. study in America C. study in other countries D. learn a foreign language ( )8. Over US students have studied in China since 2009. A. two hundred thousand B. one hundred thousand C. sixty-eight thousand D.ten thousand ( )9. The underlined word “goal” means “” in Chinese. A. 目标 B. 进球 C. 梦想 D. 麻烦 ( )10. We can learn that from the passage. A. Michelle Obama visited four cities in China B. President Obama hopes his daughters can build bridges of understanding by studying D. the US is the most popular destination for Chinese students abroad.C. Mason Grabowski thinks its too early for her to learn Chinese 四、完成 句子 (每空1分,共10分) 1、我听不懂 英语口语 。I cann`t understand ______ _______. 2、我同意明天去 游泳 。I ______ _______ going to swim tomorrow. 3、你怕狗吗?Are you ______ ________ dogs? 4、在课堂上做笔记是非常重要的。It`s very important to _____ ______ in class. 5、你和朋友用英语交谈吗? Do you ______ ________ with friends in English? 五、课文填空(每空1分共20分) How I Learned to Learn English Last year, I did not like my English class. Every class was like a bad dream. The teacher 1_____ so quickly that I did not understand her most of the time.I was afraid 2_______ ask questions because of my poor pronunciation. I just 3______behind my textbook and never said anything. Then one day I4_______ an English movie 5_____ Toy Story. I 6_______ in love with this exciting and funny movie! So I 7_____ to watch other English movies,too. Although I could not understand everything the 8______said, their body language and the 9_____on their faces helped me10_____ get the meaning. I also 11______ I could get the meaning by 12______ for just the key words. My pronunciation 13______ as well by listening to the 14______ in English movies. I 15_______ that listening to something interesting is the secret 16_______ language learning. I also learned useful sentences like “Its a piece of cake” or “It serves you right.” I did not understand these sentences at first. But because I wanted to understand the story, I looked them17______ in a18_______. Now I really19______my English class.I want to learn new words and more grammar so that I can have a better 20________ of English movies. 初三英语单元测试试卷答案 一、单选 1-5 CBBDA 6-10 DCCBA 11-15 DADBC 16-20 DACBC 二、完形 1-5 BDCAB 6-10 DACBC 三、阅读 1-5DCBBA 6-10BCCAD 四、完成句子 1. spoken English 2.agree with 3.afraid of 4.take notes 5.have conversations 五、课文填空 1.spoke 2.to 3.hid 4.watched 5.called 6.fell 7.began 8.characters 9.expressions 10.to 11.realized 12.listening 13.improved 18.dictionary 19.enjoy 20.understanding 15.discovered 16.to 17.up 14.conversations看了“初三英语单元测试卷答案”的人还看: 1. 初三英语全册Unit 13单元检测题和答案 2. 九年级英语上第十三单元基础测试题 3. 九年级英语八校联考试卷 4. 新目标初三Unit 10单元综合检测及答案
我在102上过,那时候都说102的初中好,确实也是如此,不过高中 也不错, 但是现在换了校长,听我同学说那个新校长实在不怎么样,因为102还在建设中,所以为了有个好的环境,还是7中更好些.剩下就是45了,还有就是54,32一类的了,8中虽然是重点,可还是跟以前一样不怎么样河东最好的是七中,这个公认的。再有好点的就是102中(津华),45中,再往下就是32,54,82河西最好的是新华跟实验南开最好的必然是南开中学,出过两位总理的名校河北最好的是二中我高中就是七中的,学风跟环境还是不错的,教得好的老师也不少,在河东区来说绝对是毫无悬念的头把交椅,在河东区来说能去那儿最好102跟45相对来说稍逊一些,不过毕竟是市重点,也很不错32,54,82都是河东区重点,又下了一个级别98是河东唯一一个非重点学校河西:实验、新华、四中、42;河北:二中;南开:南开中学、43中;河东:七中;东丽:100中。南开、实验、新华属于市五所,总体超群。其余的水平差不多。
个人觉得学大教育挺好的,学大教育的口碑很好,在我们这名气也很大,师资力量强,能很好的帮助孩子弥补学习上的不足。有效复习知识,查漏洞补不足。全面梳理所学的知识,结合平时作业、练习找到自己知识上的漏洞,为自己制定一个复习计划,明确自己复习什么,复习的重点是什么。我这有学大的联系方式,具体费用你可以咨询一下。天津学大教育【大港区】大港学习中心一一一一400 8105 006转1244【河东区】河东学习中心一一一一400 8105 006转1238【河西区】河西学习中心一一一一400 8105 006转1240【红桥区】红桥学习中心一一一一400 8105 006转1241【廊坊市】廊坊学习中心一一一一400 8105 006转1243【滨海新区】塘沽学习中心一一一一400 8105 006转1237【南开区】南京路学习中心一一一400 8105 006转1245南开学习中心一一一一400 8105 006转1239华苑学习中心一一一一400 8105 006转1242西北角校区一一一一一400 8105 006转1234天大学习中心一一一一400 8105 006转1235【河北区】小树林学习中心一一一400 8105 006转1236更多内容欢迎访问:52求学网论坛-全国最具影响力的教育社区
天津市河东区初三一模英语试卷天津 天津市 天津市河东区