




1 to separate; to sever; to segregate; to isolate 2. to part; to leave; to bid farewell 3.名词形式separation; severance; segregation
separate isolate detach
seperate depart



我不能承受和她分别。I could not stand parting from her.We separated at the airport. 我们在机场分别了。还有这些词:1.to part; to leave each other2.to differentiate; to discriminate3.separately; respectively; individually
分别地apart respectively severally



between ... and ...You must make a decission between the sun and the wind.你必须在太阳和风之间做一个决定。
be split between The fuel flow from the accelerator pump is split between the two barrels .be divided betweenThe nuclear plants (15% of total installed capacity) remained public - within one company, whereas the nonnuclear plants were divided between two companies.


break away fromseparateapart from给具体语境看用哪个合适
分离: [ fēn lí ] 1. to separate
separate from ...be apart from...be separated from...
split off, dissociate例句.., draw apart:sunder, secede.They exchanged a final kiss before parting., bust-up, disgregate:我们可以用一个筛子把石头分离出来.他们最后相互亲吻而分离..他因与母亲分离而感到不快.from。We can separate the stones out with a sieve, parting。He was unhappy because of his separation from his mother, part company with, separate, separation分离 [fēn lí]to separate相关解释, apart, divorce from, disjunction., segregate, disassociation
1.to separate; to sever; to segregate; to isolate 2.to part; to leave; to bid farewell 3.separation; severance; segreg.
separate...into... 把...分成... separate from ... be apart from... be separated from...

6,英语单词between 和betweenand怎么造分开的要翻译简单

1.The road runs between here and there.这条路把此地与彼地连接起来。
They planted a lot of trees between the two buildings.们两座建筑物之间栽了许多树between……之间意思造句医院和超市之间有家餐馆:There is a restaurant between hospital(A) and supermarket(B).(betwween A and B)
你好, between的用法总结  一般来说,between表示两者之间的关系,但有时也表示三者以上事物之间的关系,还有其它用法。现简单归纳如下:一、 在两者之间;在……中间:1、指时间:i will come between twelve and one oclock. 我将在十二点至一点之间来到。between the second and the fifth centuries ad people wrote on pieces of bamboo or wood and these were tied together to form a book.在公元二世纪到五世纪之间,人们把文字写在竹片或木片上,再把它们捆扎起来而成为书籍。it was between 1830 and 1835 that the modern newspaper was born.现代报纸的诞生是在1830——1835年间。2、指空间:i dropped it between my house and the station. 这东西掉在了我家和车站之间。the county town is between 5 and 6 miles away. 县城在五、六英里之外。he leant forward with his chin resting on a walking-stick that he held between his knees.他身体前倾,下巴支在一根拐杖上,拐杖放在两膝之间。she walked along with the rain beating in her face, knowing little where she went and not caring that eleven miles lay between her and her bedroom at jamaica inn.她朝前走着,雨水打在脸上,心里不太清楚要到哪儿去,也不介意她离牙买加旅店的住室还有十一英里远。not a beychevelle and not a talbot, and yet……yet so close to both of them, so close that the vineyard must be almost in between.既不是丹伯也不是拜什维尔,但又和它们很接近,那么这个葡萄园一定是在这两地之间。3、指其它:take it three times a day between meals. 一天服三次,避开饭时。he spoke between his sobs. 他边哭边说。a girl is between a child and a woman. 姑娘介于儿童和妇人之间。there will be a dialogue between the two states. 两国将要进行一次对话。for the first time in her life, she saw a likeness between herself and aunt patience.她一生中第一次看到了自己与培信斯姨妈之间的相象之处。it was only after having a boy of my own that i began to think a lot about the relationship between fathers and sons.只是在我有了自己的男孩之后,我才更多地考虑父子之间的关系。
These children are between three to five.She is standing btween Tom and Jerry.
The girl between the two boys is Lily. 两男孩之间的女孩是莉莉I stand between dad and mom. 我站在爸爸和妈妈中间

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