

一.传牙签 参与游戏者每人抽一张扑克牌,然后相继按扑克牌的顺序坐好,持最小(或最大)的那张扑克牌的人为先头,用嘴衔住那根牙签,依次传到下一个人的嘴里,不许掉哦,注意不能借用手或任何工具帮忙,如果掉了,那自然要受到惩罚喽,传完一圈后,游戏未完。将牙签撅一半,继续抽扑克牌,按新的顺序坐好,接着下一轮的传递……继续撅一半……再撅……越来越刺激 二.偷天陷阱 记得电影偷天陷阱中辛康纳利训练泽塔琼斯过红外线的情景吗? 这个游戏有些类似,先制作道具找一些红绳(玻璃绳就行),中间穿上纸杯,来形容铃铛,还要准备眼罩根据参加人数,再准备背景音乐disco。让后请几个助手在舞台上拉着绳子,让参赛者先睁着眼睛练习一下,跟他们说这是一个非常有挑战性的游戏,要考验他们的灵巧度和记忆力,练习几次后,蒙上他们的眼睛,音乐响起,让他们走,这时候高潮是,主持人让所有的助手把绳子拿开,你就会看到很精彩的表演了,注意旁边的人还可以故意误导一下,说低头,抬脚等等



1.圣诞晚会 圣诞晚会是圣诞节必不可少的节目,有家庭式的,朋友式的,情人式的。举办圣诞Party往往能够加深友情、亲情和爱情。2. 圣诞大餐 圣诞大餐一般在圣诞节的晚上进行,主要为家人团聚,一般不邀请客人参加。圣诞大餐的主要食品有烤火鸡、布丁和碎肉 馅饼等。3. 圣诞帽 那是一顶红色的帽子,据说晚上戴上它除了睡觉睡得安稳外,你还会在第二天发现装满帽子的圣诞礼物。



Good evening, everybody! Merry Christmas!My name is xxx. I am the host of tonights Christmas party. As we know, Christmas has become a universal holiday. It promotes goodwill, giving, compassion, and quality family time. Tonight we are very lucky to have our Foreign language teacher and our teachers to share the joy with us. So boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen, sit back and enjoy the show!外教出场并讲话I now give the audience the real gift of the occasion, the man you have been waiting to hear, our guest of honor Mr.xxx!二胡 Our next performance is Er Hu by xxx.英文歌The next performance is the singing of English songs by xxx英文互道祝福Now please give your best wishes to all the people here. It is time to share !休息,听音乐,吃东西,交流 Now we are taking a break. Lets enjoy the music. Enjoy the food. And enjoy chatting with your friends. 老师表演Now our next performance is 集体舞Group dance by our teachers.集体节目:《铃儿响叮当》 chorus: “ Jingle Bell”集体舞蹈:《兔子舞》Group dance” Bunny Hops”互赠卡片exchange greeting cards交流Free chats2~3分钟 结束语 Boys and girls, did you have a great time?Now I would like you to give a big round of applause to all the people who gave us such wonderful performances.2006 is about to come to an end. Boys and girls, lets say bye to 2006 and say hi to 2007.Merry Christmas and a happy new year!Good night, everybody!


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