
我知道一线口语电话英语挺好的,我朋友之前有学过的,随时随地都可以学的。 也是外教一对一授课的,应该蛮合适你的吧,有时间可以去试下他们英语水平测试课感受下的~>>
英语口语900句,你去网站论坛上看看有哪些吧! 有了这900句,估计英语口语就差不多了,呵呵。。。。 易格、滴答、大耳朵、英语听力。。 http://www.eagenglish.com/bbs/forum.php 都去看看吧!


2,求高考英语口语考试的万能犹豫句 急

Well...适用于句前,可以通过这种语气词来快速思考下一句,我基本上都在用这个词。Ex. Well...I think...
This is a tough question. I have never thought about it, nor have I ever read about it (倒装句丰富句型). Now you want me to talk about it. But I have too much to say. Give me a few seconds for me to organize my thougth a little bit.这个是雅思口语的参考 我不是很懂 希望有帮助。。。加油↖(^ω^)↗

求高考英语口语考试的万能犹豫句 急

3,口语快考试跪求答案简洁明了 3到4句就好

1.my town is very beautiful.There has some green big trees and glass.It attracts tens of thousands of tourists every years.If you have a chance to go to take a look ,i think you will bury yourself in it. 3.To be an artist is my dream.Because it can show that you have the higher Cultural quality and win the respect. 4.Listen to the music is a wise idea.I will go out for a walk to relax myself.

口语快考试跪求答案简洁明了 3到4句就好


Once I let a true love slip away before my eyes only to myself regretting it when it was too late Nothing in the worid can be as painful as this If god would give me anther chance I would tell the girl I love her If our love had to be set a time limit I wish it would be 10000 years A ; HI B ; HI A ;can i ask you a question ? B ;sure,please. A;what do you want to be in the futher ? B;i want to be a teacher scince i was a child. A;Can you tell me why ? B;my father set an good example,so i want to be . that is all. A;en,Believe yourself , your dram will came ture. B;thank you
A ; HI B ; HI A ;can i ask you a question ? B ;sure,please. A;what do you want to be in the futher ? B;i want to be a teacher scince i was a child. A;Can you tell me why ? B;my father set an good example,so i want to be . that is all. A;en,Believe yourself , your dram will came ture. B;thank you
Once I let a true love slip away before my eyes only to myself regretting it when it was too late Nothing in the worid can be as painful as this If god would give me anther chance I would tell the girl I love her If our love had to be set a time limit I wish it would be 10000 years A ; HI B ; HI A ;can i ask you a question ? B ;sure,please. A;what do you want to be in the futher ? B;i want to be a teacher scince i was a child. A;Can you tell me why ? B;my father set an good example,so i want to be . that is all. A;en,Believe yourself , your dram will came ture. B;thank you
直接去买初中口语训练手册或者在百度里搜一下就OK 咯
Once I let a true love slip away before my eyes only to myself regretting it when it was too late Nothing in the worid can be as painful as this If god would give me anther chance I would tell the girl I love her If our love had to be set a time limit I wish it would be 10000 years
goog morning! -thank you! -you are welcome! how old are you? can I help you ?有需要帮忙的么? where is the book? 书在哪里? what is your job?你是做什么的?

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