

建议阅读新概念英语,从第一册开始细细阅读,如果觉得第一册简单可以直接跳到第二册。 这套书编排的真的很不错,从易到难,一到三册以叙事性故事为主,容易提高阅读兴趣,同时对照文章注释和单词可以学习相关语法,扩大词汇量。第四册偏向学术,词汇量大,属于高级水平,建议先把一到三册吃透,在基本语法和单词都掌握的情况下可以学习第四册,作为提高能力的教材。



In this vacation, I have read two graded English readers. They are “Three Men in a Boat” by Jerome K. Jerome and “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens. “Three Men in a Boat” says that Jerome and his two friends, George and Harris, thought they were not really healthy. So they decided to go on a holiday. They wanted to go up the river. Through their dog, Montmorency didnt like this idea, but it had to go with them. The three people and a dog went up the Thames and started their journey… The author used many, many small stories in this book as associations, and it made the story more lifesome. The whole book has no words very hard so I can understand it easily. The presswork of this book has no error, and that is good. “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens says that Mr. Scrooge was a really closefisted man with a lot of money. One night his copartner that has died came to his house, told him that he shouldnt be so closehanded and three ghosts will come to him at the midnight. The first ghost, The Ghost of Christmas Past, let him recollected things suffering. And, the second ghost, The Ghost of Christmas Present, let him see how others celebrate Christmas. At last, the third ghost, The Ghost of Christmas Future, showed him things will happened if he didnt changes: He had died with no friend; people took things he used when he was alive. And Mr. Scrooge changed into an accommodating man. This book is not hard either so I can understand it easily too, but its really a good book, one of my favorites. These books are both in The Oxford Bookworm collection. This collection has some really good contents so I would commend it hardly. And, I would like to read more wonderful books like these…


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