

提前一天预定翻译是:One day ahead of schedule
thank you for booking the room(s) for us in advance.in advance 提前book 预订thanks for 为某事表达谢意。希望回答对你有帮助



Please inform us in advance.
Please tell us early
Please inform us ahead of time
Please inform us in advance.
Please inform us in advance
Please circular us advance



“提早” 也就是 “提前”,可按照不通的词性分别翻译如下: 〔动词〕advance;shift to an earlier date;〔介词短语〕in advance〔副词短语〕ahead of time
有两个常用的1in advance 英[in ?d?vɑ:ns] 美[?n ?d?v?ns] [词典] 提前; 先期; 在前头; 预先,事先; [例句]Everything has been fixed in advance.一切都是事先确定好了的。2ahead of 英[??hed ?v] 美[??h?d ?v] n. 在…之前; [例句]Thanks to your help, we accomplished the task ahead of schedule.亏得你们帮忙,我们才提前完成了任务。
提早两天打电话call two days ahead of schedule提早两天打电话call two days ahead of schedule



养成明白语意读英文的习惯,威尼英语口语学校的英语学习规律指出练习英文是练习思维与表达同步,所以要养成“嘴”与“脑”同步的习惯。每天坚持练习口语一两个小时,锻炼你说英文的肌肉习惯养成大声读英文的习惯,再尝试着用腹式一口气练习,这样使你说出的英文更有底气,更流畅。 1、口语学习的关键是要模仿人家的说话。这包括语音和语调两部分。中国英语教学重视语调的很少,尽管很多时候语调可能比语音更重要。 2、买一台录音机,找一合磁带。根据你的水平,可以选择新概念第二或第三册.也可以到图书馆借一套有书和磁带的小故事集。注意:一定要有书,故事篇幅不能太长,生词量要小,过于简单没有关系。 我倾向于使用故事,而不是对话或新闻听力材料。 3、进行跟读训练。放磁带,看着书,搞明白每一个单词的意思,理解整个故事情节。然后,放一句,暂停,学着人家读一句,然后,放下一句,暂停,再学一句,继续。 4、跟读过程中要注意的几点:(1)一定要尽力模仿发音和语调,越象越好。 (2)开始时速度可以比较慢,要逐步使自己跟上人家的 速度。(3)中间可以回倒重放,但我倾向于让大家完成一小段后再回去重来。 5、同步阅读。当你对文章发音、语调完全掌握之后,就要在放录音的同时同步跟读。争取让自己的声音与他完全重合。注意语调和语音。如果中间有结巴的地方也不要紧,继续读下去,然后再回来重读。 6、关掉录音机,朗诵课文。注意使用学到的语音语调。 带滚瓜烂熟之后,可以进入下一篇课文。 这样,一两个月之后,当你“精读”过五到十篇约一千字篇幅的文章之后,你会发现你的英语发音和听力有了明显的进步。 再配合其他学习,如与人聊天,看电视,听广播,等等,口语水平会得到显著提高。 引自威尼英语网

5,请再确认交货期能否提前到 用英语怎么说

请再确认交货期能否提前Please confirm the delivery time can advance请再确认交货期能否提前Please confirm the delivery time can advance
date of delivery-交货期payment terms-付款方式delivery against payment-款到付货usual pack-常规包装再送你一些常用的短语,上课总结的,希望有帮助:payment terms l/c letter of credit 信用证 cod cash on delivery 交货付现cwo cash with order 下单付现 b/c bill for collection 托收票据d/p document against payment 付款交单d/a document against acceptance 承兑交单d/n debit note 应收账单 c/n credit note 应付账单payment methodl/c letter of credit 信用证remittance 汇款t/t telegraphic/cable transfer 电汇m/t mail transfer 信汇d/d demand draft 即期汇票document performing international contrast 履行国际贸易的合同单证1, letter of credit2, bill of exchange3, invoice4, bill of lading 提单5, insurance policy6, commodity inspection certificate7, certificate of origin 原产地证8, certificate of fumigation 熏蒸证9, certificate of disinfection 消毒证明常见缩写字l/p insurance policy 保单awb air way bill 空运提单b/l bill of lading 海运提单l/i letter of indemnity 赔偿保证书l/g letter of guarantee 保证书l/a letter of authority 授权书i/l import license 进口许可e/l export license 出口许可


“提前”:in advance发音:英 [in ?d?vɑ:ns] 美 [?n ?d?v?ns] 具体释义:在前头; 预先,事先; 提前; 先期例句:1、The subject of the talk is announced a week in advance. 会谈的主题已提前一周宣布。2、When planting seedlings I prefer to mark out the rows in advance. 种树苗的时候,我喜欢事先划出行来。3、Visitors can book a time slot a week or more in advance. 来访者可以提前一周或更早预约一个时间。扩展资料同义词组:ahead of schedule英 [??hed ?v ??edju:?l] 美 [??h?d ?v ?sk?d?ul] 例句:1、We have determined to get the work done ahead of schedule. 我们已经决定要提前完成这项工作。2、The script was delivered to the director ahead of schedule. 剧本已提前送交导演了。3、The detachment set off ahead of schedule. 小分队提前出动了。
提前的英文是in advance 。in advance英 [in ?d?vɑ:ns] 美 [?n ?d?v?ns] 在前头; 预先,事先; 提前; 先期;双语例句1. It is a good idea to place your order well in advance. 早早就提前下单是个好主意。2. Clients normally pay fees in advance, monthly, quarterly, or yearly. 客户通常按月、季度或年度预付费用。3. I had asked everyone to submit questions in advance of the meeting. 我已请每个人在会议之前提交问题。4. The subject of the talk is announced a week in advance. 会谈的主题已提前一周宣布。5. The salad improves if made in advance and left to stand. 色拉如果能事先做好再搁置一会儿,味道会更好。6. When planting seedlings I prefer to mark out the rows in advance. 种树苗的时候,我喜欢事先划出行来。7. Visitors can book a time slot a week o
"提前"英文怎么说?回答:ahead of time;in advance;ahead of schedule;beforehand 等短语,都可表达“提前”之意,请看例句:? 1)ahead of time;例:We completed the work five days ahead of time. 我们提前五天完成工作。2)in advance;例:The booking office sells tickets 3 days in advance. 售票处预售3天的票。3)ahead of schedule(=time); 2 例:fulfil [finish] the task ahead of schedule [=time]? ? ?提前完成任务4)beforehand (adv.)They proposed to make arrangement beforehand. 他们提议事先做好安排。
楼主你好,短语可用in advance来表达希望可以帮到你。
通常用in advance, 比如, I finished the homework in advance. (我提前做完作业了)。 也可这样说,I finished the homework in advance of my classmates. (我比我的同学提前做完了作业)。在某些情况下,比如在特定的时间范围内,提前可以译成“before schedule", 比如,I finished my project a week before schedule. (我提前一周完成我的课题项目)。希望对你有帮助。

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