
When the Spring Festival comes from hard to fastidious, but generally think that originated in China shells period of the year end to god and ancestor worship activity (la); First have the customs of the Spring Festival when rao. Since the beginning of the first year of emperor too early to summer (lunar calendar) in the first day of the first lunar month \"at\" (that is, the \"year\"), the date of the festival the fixed, continues today. In the first month of lunar calendar is the beginning of the year, and the early or middle day, mostly just is the beginning of spring (a few case in late spring is in the twelfth lunar month). Holiday time to believe and agriculture influence; In word of oracle and jinwen (inscriptions) have grain mature image.



春节的来历翻译:The beginning of the spring festival.扩展资料春节,即农历新年,是一年之岁首,传统意义上的“年节”。俗称新春、新岁、新年、新禧、年禧、大年等,口头上又称度岁、庆岁、过年、过大年。春节历史悠久,由上古时代岁首祈年祭祀演变而来。万物本乎天、人本乎祖,祈年祭祀、敬天法祖,报本反始也。春节的起源蕴含着深邃的文化内涵,在传承发展中承载了丰厚的历史文化底蕴。在春节期间,全国各地均有举行各种庆贺新春活动,热闹喜庆气氛洋溢;这些活动以除旧布新、迎禧接福、拜神祭祖、祈求丰年为主要内容,形式丰富多彩,带有浓郁的各地域特色,凝聚着中华文明的文化精华。在古代民间,人们从腊月廿三或廿四的祭灶便开始“忙年”了,新年到正月十九日才结束。在现代,人们把春节定于农历正月初一,但一般至少要到农历正月十五(元宵节)新年才算结束。春节是个欢乐祥和的节日,是亲朋好友欢聚的日子,是人们增深感情的纽带。节日交流问候传递着亲朋乡里之间的亲情伦理,它是春节得以持存发展的重要要义。百节年为首,春节是中华民族最隆重的传统佳节,它不仅集中体现了中华民族的思想信仰、理想愿望、生活娱乐和文化心理,而且还是祈福、饮食和娱乐活动的狂欢式展示。受到中华文化的影响,属于汉字文化圈的一些国家和民族也有庆贺新春的习俗。春节与清明节、端午节、中秋节并称为中国四大传统节日。春节民俗经国务院批准列入第一批国家级非物质文化遗产名录。参考资料:搜狗百科-春节
the origin of the Spring Festivalthe story of how we have the Spring Festival
the origin of the monster year.
the origin of the Spring Fesitival


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