




skipping rope 跳绳用绳子


3,请问at the end of the rope是什么意思


请问at the end of the rope是什么意思

4,play with a skippingrope是什么意思

play with"玩弄"是短语 play with a skipping-rope和play a skipping-rope是一样的意思


rope n. 1. 绳,索[C][U] This ladder is made of rope. 这架梯子是用绳索做的。 2. (拳击场等四周的)栏索[the P] 3. 绞索,绞刑[the S] 4. 一串(东西)[C][(+of)] I bought a beautiful rope of pearls. 我买了一串很好看的珠子。 5. (牛仔等使用的)套索[C] 6. 【俚】雪茄烟[C] 7. 内情;规则;做法[the P] vt. 1. 捆,扎,缚,绑[O][(+to)] The animals have been roped together. 这些动物被绳子系在一起。 2. 用绳圈起(或隔开)[(+in/off/out)] The police roped off the playing field to keep back the crowd. 警察把比赛场地用绳子围起来,以防人群靠近。 3. 【美】用套索套捉(牛,马等) We roped the calf. 我们用套索套捉小牛。 vi. 1. 拧成绳(状) 2. (啤酒等)产生丝状黏质

6,tight rope是什么意思

tight rope绷紧的绳索双语例句 1.He used to walk on a tight-rope across the Niagara Falls. 他走在一条绷紧的绳子上横穿尼亚加拉大瀑布。2.The trained dancer must not only have grace and elegance, but also the leap of an Olympic hurdler, the balance of a tight-rope walker and panther-like strength and agility. 训练有素的舞者不仅要高贵优雅,还要有奥林匹克跨栏运动员的弹跳,要有走钢丝杂技演员般的平衡,还要有豹子一样的力量和灵敏。
楼主q多少 我给你个软件 刚才搜索了 你要的有 如果不能用不用给我分附件太大 你那收不到 用q也没事啊 发完删掉 又不缺啥 我q449315840
tight rope英 [tait r?up] 美 [ta?t rop]绷紧的绳索网 络钢索危情;紧绳;绷紧的绳索;古灵精怪双语例句1. He held tight to the rope. 他牢牢抓住绳子。2. Keep a tight grip on the rope. 紧紧抓住绳索不放。3. He made sure that the rope were tight. 他确信绳子拉紧了.4. The famous Blondin was going to perform on a tight - rope in another part of the garden. 鼎鼎大名的卜朗亭快要在花园另一头表演走钢丝了.5. He dances on a tight rope. 它在紧拉的绳索上跳舞.

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