

[Botany] daisy



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Dendranthemamorifolium chrysanthemum 拉丁文 Flos Chrysanthemi


4,菊花 英语单词

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plum blossoms, orchid, bamboo ,chrysanthemum
梅花 plum兰花 orchid竹子 bamboo菊花 chrysanthemum


  菊花是中国十大名花之三,花中四君子之一,具有清寒傲雪的品格,是不少人都喜欢的观赏性植物之一。那么你知道菊花用英文怎么说吗?下面我为大家带来菊花的英文说法,供大家参考学习。   菊花的英文说法:   chrysanthemum   英 [kri?s?nθ?m?m]   美 [kr??s?nθ?m?m, -?z?n-]   菊花相关英文表达:   菊花香 Fragrance of Chrysanthemum   菊花粉末 Chrysanthemun Flower   菊花石雕 chrysanthemum stone carving   药用菊花 Chrysanthemum morifolium for medicine   小菊花 Little Chrysanthemum   菊花英文说法例句:   1. Each mourner wore a black armband and a white paper chrysanthemum.   每个吊唁的人都佩带着黑纱和一朵白纸菊花.   2. The cold weather had most deleterious consequences among the chrysanthemums.   寒冷的天气对菊花产生了极有害的影响.   3. The chrysanthemums are in bloom; some are red and some yellow.   菊花开了, 有红的,有黄的.   4. They raised five thousand chrysanthemums last year.   去年他们种了五千株菊花.   5. Chrysanthemums put forth flowers in autumn.   菊花在秋季开.   6. The gardener was nipping off the side shoots from his chrysanthemums.   园丁正在把菊花的边芽掐掉.   7. The old man potted the chrysanthemum cuttings.   老人把菊花的插枝种在花盆内.   8. There are many species of chrysanthemum.   菊花品种很多.   9. He walked to her and held out a small bouquet of wildflowers, black - eyed Susans.   他走到她面前,伸手递上一小束鲜花, 是野生黄菊花.   10. She motioned towards rather than handed to her mistress a beautiful yellow chrysanthemum.   与其说她将一株漂亮的黄菊花递给她的女教师,倒不如说她只向她做了个手势示意一下.   11. Ingredients: Collagen, hyaluronic acid, chrysanthemum extract serum, arbutin etc.   成份: 胶原蛋白 、透明质酸 、野菊花提取液 、熊果苷等.   12. As chrysanthemum, rhododendron and walnut, such as an ominous thing.   视菊花 、杜鹃花与核桃等为不祥之物.   13. A very sturdy chrysanthemum which resisted in two wet winters.   在两个潮湿的冬天抵抗的一朵非常茁壮的菊花.   14. The teacher said that preparation before anal sex is advisable.   老师说,使用菊花前应该做好准备.   15. Attention should choose flowers integrity, smell fresh, brightly colored chrysanthemums appropriate.   注意应选择花朵完整 、气味清香 、颜色鲜艳的菊花为宜.


1, on Chrysanthemum 2, chrysanthemum culture 3, introduced Siu Lam 4, dialogue 5, civilized language 6, civilized behavior 7, Ju her origin and Photo 8, and the chrysanthemum-related poetry


兰花Orchid,铃兰花 orchid, 菊花chrysanthemum
Orchid, names, flores convallariae, chrysanthemum
你好!兰花Orchid,花名 names,铃兰花 flores convallariae,菊花 chrysanthemum仅代表个人观点,不喜勿喷,谢谢。


菊花[词典] chrysanthemum; mum; [例句]菊花开了,有红的,有黄的。The chrysanthemums are in bloom; some are red and some yellow.
chrysanthemumchrysanthemum blooms in september, and enjoys the reputation of a "flower of longevity" .菊花在九月盛开,有“长寿花”的美称。

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