

Cod fish
鳕鱼 [Zoology] a cod; a codfish; a hake





3,cod fish 主要指的是什么鳕鱼

cod fish主要指的是银鳕鱼。裸盖鱼(学名:Anoplopoma fimbria)是黑鲉科、裸盖鱼属鱼类。主要分布于北冰洋,北太平洋。这种鱼属冷水域之深海鱼其营养价值极高,含有脂肪,蛋白质及多种维生素。裸盖鱼因酷似鳕鱼,所以最先由日本市场命名为“银鳕鱼”,价格比真正的鳕鱼贵许多。由于其营养价值高,所以经常被用来烹调美食,广泛分布于世界的海域。银鳕鱼是中国和日本市场的叫法,实际上没有银鳕鱼这个种类。通常被称为银鳕鱼的鱼类有两种,一种是智利海鲈,属于鲈形目;另一种是阿拉斯加黑鳕,属于鮋形目。这两种鱼具有很多共同的特点,都栖息于距两极很近的冷水深海海域,不同的是,智利海鲈分布于南极附近海域,而阿拉斯加黑鳕分布于近北极水域;虽然分布地相距甚远两两相望,这两种鱼却远房亲戚一样具有共同的营养特质,富含Omega-3高度不饱和脂肪酸, 其中的DHA是人类大脑成长发育所必需的重要物质之一。扩展资料:形态特征:鱼体相当延长而稍侧扁,呈圆筒形。头尖形;口中大,上颌略长于下颌。齿细 小,呈齿带,上下颌、锄骨、腭骨均具齿。头部及身体均被弱小圆鳞。背鳍分离,具有硬棘19~27枚、软条15~19枚;臀鳍硬棘3枚、软条15~19枚;尾鳍深叉型。体背深蓝灰色或绿灰色;体腹灰色或淡色;除第一背鳍后,各鳍均具有黑色外缘。体长可达120厘米。寿命可达20年之久。体长椭圆形,头中大,头上无棘和棱,眼小或中大,上侧位,口中大,前位,每侧有2个发达的鼻孔,鳃膜与峡部相连,侧线一条,背鳍2个,臀鳍Ⅲ-11-19,腹鳍Ⅰ-5。两个背鳍分离,ⅩⅦ-ⅩⅫ,16-20;臀鳍Ⅲ-15-19,胸鳍16;侧线鳞190-195,鳃耙62-65。体延长,第二背鳍与臀鳍同形、相对。
,市场中卖的包括银鳕鱼、水鳕鱼、龙鳕鱼、油鱼等都不是纯正的鳕鱼。银鳕鱼,化名还有黑鳕和蓝鳕。不过,它在分类上属于鲉形目黑鲉科裸盖鱼属。银鳕鱼即裸盖鱼。 裸盖鱼(学名:Anoplopoma fimbria)鱼体相当延长而稍侧扁,黑鲉科、裸盖鱼属、鲉型目,生长在北极圈海域。这种鱼属冷水域之深海鱼其营养价值很高,含有及多种维生素。这种鱼因酷似鳕鱼,所以在市场上常被称为“黑鳕鱼”,英文名为blackcod或sablefish。 所以两个是一个东西,都不是真正的鳕鱼,希望我的回答能帮助你

cod fish 主要指的是什么鳕鱼


这要看制作工艺了 并不是每个鱼肝油都是腥的 推荐 纽茜莱的鲨鱼鳕鱼肝油 效果挺好的 橙子味 淘宝网就有卖的
鳕   鳕 拼音:xuě 繁体字:鱈   部首:鱼,部外笔画:11,总笔画:19 ; 繁体部首:鱼,部外笔画:11,总笔画:22  五笔86&98:QGFV 仓颉:NMMBS   笔顺编号:3525121114524444511 四角号码:21177 UniCode:CJK 统一汉字 U+9CD5  基本字义  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ● 鳕  (鱈)  xuěㄒㄩㄝˇ  ◎ 〔~鱼〕下颌有一条大须,口大吻突,肉洁白如雪,生活在寒冷的深海中。肝脏含大量维生素,是制鱼肝油的重要原料。通称“大头鱼”。  ◎ (鱈)  汉英互译  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ◎ 鳕  cod codfish  English  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ◎ codfish  鳕科   学名: Gadous macrocephalus   地 方 名: 大头青、大口鱼、大头鱼、明太鱼、水口、阔口鱼、大头腥、石肠鱼   形态特征: 体延长,稍侧扁,尾部向后渐细,一般体长25~40厘米,体重300~750克。头大,口大,上颌略长于下颌,颏部有一触须,须长等于或略长于眼径。两颌及犁骨均具绒毛状牙。体被细小圆鳞易脱落,侧线明显。背鳍3个,臀鳍2个,各鳍均无硬棘,完全由鳍条组成。头、背及体侧为灰褐色,并具不规则深褐色斑纹,腹面为灰白色。胸鳍浅黄色,其他各鳍均为灰色。   产 地: 分布于北太平洋。我国产于黄海和东海北部。主要渔场在黄海北部、山东高角东南偏东和海洋岛南部及东南海区。   产 季: 渔期有冬、夏两汛,冬汛是12月至翌年2月份;夏汛为4~7月份。   经济营养价值: 属冷水性底层鱼类,为北方沿海出产的海洋经济鱼类之一。鳕鱼每百克肉含蛋白质12.5克、脂肪0.4克。其肉质白细鲜嫩,清口不腻。世界上不少国家把鳕鱼作为主要食用鱼类之一。除鲜食外,还加工成各种水产食品。此外,鳕鱼肝大而且含油量高,富含维生素A和D,是提取鱼肝油的原料。  鳕鱼大部分生活在太平洋、大西洋北方水温0℃~16℃的寒冷海里。  只要会动的东西,什么都吃,吃得多,因此长得也快,约10年多就能长到1米大;繁殖力也强,体长1米左右的雌鱼,一次可产300万~400万粒卵之多。因集群性生活,捕捉很容易,自古就是相当有名的食用鱼。  世界上最不怕冷的鱼,是南极的鳕鱼。在南极寒冷的冰水中,它能够冻而不僵。原来,这种鱼的血液中含有一种叫糖肌的成分,功效和汽车的防冻剂相似。   南极鳕鱼生活在南大洋比较寒冷的海域,甚至在位于南纬82°的罗斯冰架附近都有它的分布。它体长40厘米左右,体重为几公斤,体型短粗,呈银灰色,略带黑褐色斑点,头大,嘴圆,唇厚,血液为灰白色,没有血红蛋白。作为食用鱼类,它肉嫩质白,味道鲜美可口,营养价值较高。它的独特生理功能是抗低温,因此南极鳕鱼除了作为重要资源而进行商业性开发外,它的抗冻功能也备受重视。   鱼类生理学的研究结果表明,一般鱼类在-1℃就冻成“冰棒”了。南极鳕鱼却能在-1.87℃的温度下活跃地生活,若无其事地游来游去。原来,在南极鳕鱼的血液中有一种特殊的生物化学物质,叫做抗冻蛋白,就是这种抗冻蛋白在起作用。   抗冻蛋白所以具有抗冻作用,是因为其分子具有扩展的性质,好像其结构上有一块极易与水或冰相互作用的表面区域,以此降低水的冰点,从而阻止体液的冻结。因此,抗冻蛋白赋予南极鳕鱼一种惊人的抗低温能力。  鳕鱼通常是指鳕形目鱼类,是海洋世界的大家族,已知约有500余种,是海洋渔业的主捕对象。1996年全球鳕鱼捕获量达1071万吨,占海洋渔业总产量的12%。主要捕捞种类属鳕科、无须鳕科和长尾鳕科。已知全世界鳕科鱼类有50多种,它们中大多数分布于大西洋北部大陆架海域,重要鱼种有太平洋鳕、大西洋鳕、黑线鳕、蓝鳕、绿青鳕、牙鳕、挪威长臂鳕和狭鳕等。   狭鳕是鳕科中 鳕鱼肝油是什么味道,是不是有很浓的海鲜味呢?茶艺答案由 http://haodian123.com团队编辑,o(∩_∩)o希望对您有帮助,希望采纳我哦~




My School Days Looking over my own school days, there are so many things that I would rather not tell, that it will take very little time and space for me to use in telling what I am willing that the carping public should know about my early history. I began my educational career in a log school house. Finding that other great men had done that way, I began early to look around me for a log school house where I could begin in a small way to soak my system full of hard words and information. For a time I learned very rapidly. Learning came to me with very little effort at first. I would read my lesson over once or twice and then take my place in the class. It never bothered me to recite my lesson and so I stood at the head of the class. I could stick my big toe through a knot-hole in the floor and work out the most difficult problem. This became at last a habit with me. With my knot-hole I was safe, without it I would hesitate. A large red-headed boy, with feet like a summer squash and eyes like those of a dead codfish, was my rival. He soon discovered that I was very dependent on that knot-hole, and so one night he stole into the school house and plugged up the knot-hole, so that I could not work my toe into it and thus refresh my memory. Then the large red-headed boy, who had not formed the knot-hole habit, went to the head of the class and remained there. After I grew larger, my parents sent me to a military school. That is where I got the fine military learning and stately carriage that I still wear. My room was on the second floor, and it was very difficult for me to leave it at night, because the turnkey locked us up at 9 oclock every evening. Still, I used to get out once in a while and wander around in the starlight. I did not know yet why I did it, but I presume it was a kind of somnambulism. I would go to bed thinking so intently of my lessons that I would get up and wander away, sometimes for miles, in the solemn night. One night I awoke and found myself in a watermelon patch. I was never so ashamed in my life. It is a very serious thing to be awakened so rudely out of a sound sleep, by a bull dog, to find yourself in the watermelon vineyard of a man with whom you are not acquainted. I was not on terms of social intimacy with this man or his dog. They did not belong to our set. We had never been thrown together before. After that I was called the great somnambulist and men who had watermelon conservatories shunned me. But it cured me of my somnambulism. I have never tried to somnambule any more since that time. There are other little incidents of my schooldays that come trooping up in my memory at this moment, but they were not startling in their nature. Mine is but the history of one who struggled on year after year, trying to do better, but most always failing to connect. The boys of Boston would do well to study carefully my record and then–do differently.

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