

efforts to make money


2,挣钱 用英语怎么说

earn money, make money 都行希望能帮上你~

挣钱 用英语怎么说


.to make a profit; to gain money; to make money


4,赚钱做某事 是doing sth 还是 to do

可以,看句子结构和通顺程度了。To work as a bus driver can make a living.Driving cars for others can earn money.
Earn money to do something
你好!make money to do sth.我的回答你还满意吗~~


赚钱/to make money/get some money /in the money
make money或earn money
earn money
To earn money
make money,求好评
try to earn money to afford a house.


I intend to earn money,making a quantity of money. 这句句子的主语是我,谓语是要挣,宾语是钱,挣很多钱是状语。 在英语中,一个句子不能出现两个谓语,除非用连词连接,所以主句翻译成I intend/want to earn/make money,从句挣很多钱则用动词ing形式修饰,翻译成making a quantity of money。 希望能帮得到你,谢谢!
楼主,您好 I am in favour of earning the money,more and more。(若有您有不懂之处,欢迎提问) 谢谢采纳!
I want to earn money, a lot of money!
I want to make money, make lots of money. want to do 想要做某事,也可以用would like to 。lots of 很多的意思,也可以用a lot of 或plenty of。 I want to make money, make much money. 因为钱(money)是不可数名词,所以不能用many,而要用much。 还有什么问题可以追问,希望您能满意。
I want to earn money and to earn a lot of money.这是一个简单句,不需要太多语法知识
简单点,I want make money , much more money. 主-谓-宾 复杂点,I long to make money , much more money.运用了词组long to do sth(渴望做某事)。另外还可以换成desire to do sth;long for sth;to thirst for; to yearn for; to be dying for sth.; to be dying to do sth. ...... 再复杂点,Much more money which I do aim to earn .这是一个主语从句,从句中缺宾语。money为先行词,which为引导词。do 是强调动词aim ( 靶子,目标/目的,志向;宗旨 ),aim to do sth/ aim at doing sth./ aim at sth 译为指望,旨在,针对。earn/make money 赚钱。 不懂的地方可以联系我QQ781407935.谢谢。

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