
“生产一线员工”参考译文如下:Production line operatorsProduction line workers.



英文是The Production Line Of Veterinary Disinfectant。兽用消毒剂生产线这玩意还真没听说过呢,相信现在也很少有厂家在做吧。不过听说安徽有家叫信远科技的。他们家也不知道做不做这个呢。可以网上去查一下关于他们的资料的。希望我的回答对您有帮助!



sorry to bother you. the total account of 3000$ refers to the commercial bail of ultimate freight of goods and no more changes. thank you.仅供参考哈 错了别咬我
The batch of goods 12345 sent last Friday were short of few cartons due to some production problems.Please refer to the numbers in blue which are the actual quantity dispatched.As the invoice cannot be altered, we will make up the shortage in our next delivery.We are sorry for the inconvenience caused.



as a result of the development needs of pharmaceutical companies, the relative lack of production sites, to be moved to the building of industrial parks in a larger and able to meet the requirements of gmp pharmaceutical companies. the original capsule as a result of workshop equipment is relatively simple, small production sites, not very good end production of a large number of field missions, to the adoption of gmp certification, the papers to be from the workshop of the capsule peripheral environment, clean rooms, equipment, facilities, as well as the software system to amend its transformation to undertake a study to investigate the implementation of the pharmaceutical plant to shift an effective way to transform gmp. the main thesis of this research for the content of the capsule of the workshop system hardware and software to improve existing problems, as well as major systems and equipment certification, an analysis of existing problems and a corresponding increase in facilities and equipment, research on the file system and revise it so that the production of rule-based process. after making the transformation capsule reasonable layout of the workshop, qualified health conditions, be able to meet the gmp requirements to ensure that the produce meet the quality requirements of drugs.<br>生产车间的英语翻译<br><a href="http://wenwen.soso.com/z/urlalertpage.e?sp=swww.yexyy.com" target="_blank">www.yexyy.com</a>
manufacturing shopproducing department两个都可以

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